Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Biomedical Laboratory techniques
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours)

The student, to access the course, must have knowledge and skills acquired in previous teachings, concerning human anatomy, physiology, general pathology, immunology, microbiology.

Final test will consist in an oral interview that will focus on a minimum of three open questions on the topics covered in class.
The evaluation will take into consideration:
- detail, precision and significance in the theoretical contents acquired
- ability to present, argue and synthesize the leaned concepts with an appropriate language
- relevance and correctness
The personal re-elaboration of the learned contents and the ability to apply them to practical contexts will constitute a criterion of merit

Voto Finale

The teaching activity aims to provide students with the basic tools to understand the activity carried out in a Pathology Service, contextualizing the profession of the Laboratory Technician with an understanding of the elementary morphological pictures that characterize the main diseases.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
-describe the basic macroscopic and microscopic features of the main diseases
- to carry out elementary clinicopathological correlations
-explain the meaning of the applications of the different techniques in the context of individual diseases

the teaching activity will focus on the following topics:
-General workflow in a Pathology Service
- Fundamental terminology in Pathology
- Inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, male and female genital systems

Pathology of the respiratory system
-Lung: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis). Pulmonary interstitial diseases and pulmonary fibrosis. Lung infections. Pulmonary neoplasms.
-Pleura: Pneumothorax. Pleural effusions. Neoplasms.
Pathology of the cardiovascular system
-Blood vessels: Atherosclerotic disease.
-Heart: Ischemic heart disease. Myocarditis. Endocarditis. Valve diseases. Primary and secondary cardiomyopathies. Pathophysiology of heart disease: hypertensive heart disease, cor pulmonale, left heart failure, right heart failure. Heart failure: anatomo-clinical pictures.
-Pericardium: Pericarditis.
Pathology of the digestive system
-Esophagus: Esophagitis. Barrett's esophagus. Neoplasms.
-Stomach: Acute and chronic gastritis. Peptic ulcer. Neoplasms.
-Intestine: Malabsorption syndromes. Vascular pathology. Idiopathic chronic inflammatory diseases. Diverticular disease. Neoplasms.
-Appendix: Appendices. Neoplasms.
-Pancreas: Acute and chronic pancreatitis. Cyst. Neoplasms.
-Liver: Vascular pathology of the liver. Portal hypertension. Jaundice. Viral and non-viral infectious hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis. Liver damage from alcohol, drugs and toxicants. Cirrhosis: classification and anatomo-clinical pictures. Focal and diffuse nodular hyperplasia. Cholangitis. Neoplasms benign and malignant.
Pathology of the urinary system
-Kidney: Glomerular diseases. Vascular pathology. Diseases of the tubules and interstitium. Neoplasms of the kidney.
Pathology of the male genital system
-Testicle: acute and chronic pididymitis. Tumors of the testicle and epididymis.
-Prostate: Inflammatory disorders. Benign hypertrophy. Neoplasms.
Pathology of the female genital system
-Cervix uterus .. Cytological diagnosis of lesions of the uterine cervix.
-Endometrium: Endometrial neoplasms.
-Ovary: Cyst. Neoplasms.

Robbins Basic Pathology. Kumar, Abbas, Aster (eds). Elsevier. 10th ed.

The teaching is proposed through lectures conducted by the teacher with the use of support materials (slides, example models, documents, bibliographic materials ...).
Students are required to systematically proceed with the independent study of the provided material, prepare the activities to be carried out in the classroom (if needed), and actively participate in the proposed discussions.
Students are always invited to contact the teacher in case of need for further information or clarification.

The teacher is available at this email address:
