- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no prerequisities
The exam consists of a discussion of the topics proposed in the program.
Students will be provided with the knowledge and information on the techniques and strategies necessary to effectively manage communication and helping relationship with the woman and her family members in the main clinical areas of obstetrical-gynaecological care.
By the end of this course, for each topic, the student will be able to:
1. to know and understand the main communicative-relational and psychological needs of women and their families;
2. implement the tools of the helping relationship and counselling with woman, her partner and family members;
3. Implement communicative and relational strategy to promote collaboration with other professionals
Psychology in Midwifery.
Psychological aspects in pre-natal diagnosis.
Psychology of Pregnancy, Labour and Childbirth and supportive techniques.
Helping relationship in Stillbirth and Neonatal Death.
Psychological aspects of post-partum and mother-child relationship.
Counselling in Contraceptive Choice,
Abortion, Interruption of Pregnancy, Assisted Reproduction and in Menopause.
Psychological aspects of Pain in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The Basic of Psycho-oncology.
Sexual Education: interventions and strategies.
Students will be provided with the knowledge and information on the techniques and strategies necessary to effectively manage communication and helping relationship with the woman and her family members in the main clinical areas of obstetrical-gynaecological care.
By the end of this course, for each topic, the student will be able to:
1. to know and understand the main communicative-relational and psychological needs of women and their families;
2. implement the tools of the helping relationship and counselling with woman, her partner and family members;
3. Implement communicative and relational strategy to promote collaboration with other professionals
The course follows a multidisciplinary approach aimed at the direct involvement of students.
Students (also working in small groups) are asked to prepare and present clinical cases observed during the internship.
The discussion and critical analysis of the case allows students to promote a critical reflection on the issues raised and the teacher to present the techniques and strategies needed to effectively manage the communication and helping relationship in this specific topic of assistence.
Lessons Notes.
Copies of slides.
Scientific articles.
Clinical Guidelines if avalaible.
Students can email the teacher using University account for claryfing thet troubles and doubts: