Toxicology - Pharmacological and toxicological aspects of drug dependence. Substances of abuse and drug addiction. Poisonings and antidotes. Preclinical drug-toxicological testing. Requirements for the admission of new preparations for human experimentation. Toxicology - Evaluation of
Preclinical drug-toxicological testing. Requirements for the admission of new preparations for human experimentation. Toxicology - Evaluation of drug toxicity: acute toxicity and toxicity after repeated administration. Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. Fetal toxicity and teratogenesis.
Principles and phases of clinical trials of drugs. Ethical aspects of human experimentation. Examples of experimental protocols.
Toxicology - Pharmacological and toxicological aspects of drug dependence. Substances of abuse and drug addiction. Poisonings and antidotes.
Frontal lesson with the help of slidea and scientific literature