• Concept of public and individual health (3 hours)
• New models for oral health (3 hours)
• Educational models in the practice of the dental hygienist (3 hours)
• The role of the dental hygienist in different areas: how to approach and interact (21 hours)
o quitting smoking
o use of substances
o alcohol abuse
o special needs patients
o diet and dental caries (dietary assessment; eating disorders; halitosis)
o geriatric patient
o pedodontic patient
• P. Garista, L. Stromengher “Odontoiatria centrata sulla persona” 2007 SEU
• L. Stromengher, L. Ferro “Odontoiatria di comunità” 2003 Masson
• M. Madau, L. Stromengher “Prevenzione e promozione della salute orale in età pediatrica” 2003 Quintessenza
• E. M. Wilkins “La pratica clinica dell’igienista dentale” Piccin
• V. Cortesi Adizzoni, A. Abbinante “Igienista Orale. Teoria e pratica professionale”
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved through lectures for a total of 30 hours per year. During the lessons will be proposed group work and simulations that will involve all students. If necessary, distance learning exercises can also be provided.
Office hours on Wednesdays from 9.00 to 12.00 by appointment
Contact: laura.donaggio@uninsubria.it