- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
See details of I.C.
See details of I.C.
See details of I.C.
History of home oral hygiene
Outline of the anatomy of the oral cavity and periodontium.
Outline of the pathology of periodontal and dental tissues.
Mechanical removal of biofilm (techniques and home aids)
Chemotherapeutic agents (toothpaste and mouthwash formulations)
Personalized home oral hygiene instruction: developmental patients, orthodontic patients, adult patients, elderly patients, special needs patients, professional categories.
Health promotion and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, nutrition and correct lifestyles
Motivation and effective communication techniques in the health sector.
The Slides will be provided by the teacher to the students.
The reference texts on which to deepen are:
"Oral Hygienist" ed. Edra
"Home oral hygiene" ed. Masson
"The clinical practice of the dental hygienist" ed. Piccin
"Emotional communication in dentistry" ed. Quintessence
"Handbook for the use of mouthwashes, toothpastes and oral hygiene products"
www.salute.gov.it Health of the teeth and mouth / guidelines:
National guidelines for the promotion of oral health and the prevention of oral diseases in developmental age (update 2013)
National guidelines for the promotion of oral health and the prevention of oral diseases in adulthood (2015 update)
The course consists of a total of 24 hours.
In addition to lectures, practical exercises are carried out on didactic models in order to facilitate the acquisition of the educational objectives of clinical practice.
Dott. Giuseppe Giordano
to schedule : giuseppe.giordano@uninsubria.it