Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Cognomi H-Z
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Fluency in Italian.

The final exam is composed of a written test (multiple-choice questions).

Voto Finale

The course covers the study of the organization of the constitutional State, the sources of law, the legal order of the Republic, the constitutional rights and duties, the judicial review (of legislation), and the territorial autonomies.
The main goal of this course is to give students the necessary tools to understand the fundamental notions of Public Law, both horizontally - the relationships between the bodies that shape the form of government - and vertically - the exercise of public authority towards the individuals.
The course is centered on forming a conceptual basis to understand issues in Public Law from a critical, and not merely factual, standpoint. This basis will be developed through the historical analysis of current political issues, as well as through the study of the evolution of modern constitutionalism and of Human Rights.
To that purpose, different approaches to social science will be analyzed in order to better grasp the often precarious relationship between social rights and civil liberties, a relationship most representatively embodied by private property, which went from being the inviolable right of “mono-class” societies to a right governed by social function in “pluri-class” societies.
At the completion of the course, students will be expected to possess:
- in-depth understanding of the principles of modern constitutionalism and comprehensive knowledge of the aims and values of our Constitution
- a thorough grasp of our government’s structure, powers, and essential functions, along with its operational methodology
- proficiency in the legal terminology commonly used in public service.

I. Modern Constitutionalism.
II. The classification of Governments. The theory of Democracy.
III. The system of sources of law.
IV. The Italian political system: the Parliament, the President of the Republic, the Executive.
V. The regional and local Governments.
VI. The judicial system.
VII. The judicial review.
VIII. Constitutional Rights and Duties.

I. Modern Constitutionalism.
II. The classification of Governments. The theory of Democracy.
III. The system of sources of law.
IV. The Italian political system: the Parliament, the President of the Republic, the Executive.
V. The regional and local Governments.
VI. The judicial system.
VII. The judicial review.
VIII. Constitutional Rights and Duties.

1. M. D’Amico, G. D’Elia, Diritto costituzionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2012 (ISBN: 9788820401443, pp. 280, € 30,00); oppure, in alternativa, P. Caretti, U. De Siervo, Diritto costituzionale e pubblico, Giappichelli, 2018 (ISBN: 9788892116818, pp. XVIII-632, € 47,00)
2. P. Calamandrei, Lo Stato siamo noi, Chiarelettere, Instant Book, Milano, 2011 (ISBN: 9788861902299, pp. XX-136, € 7,00, disponibile anche in e-book)
3. G. Sartori, La democrazia in trenta lezioni, Mondadori, Milano, 2008 (ISBN: 9788804580799, pp. IX-110, € 12,00, disponibile in diverse edizioni, anche e-book).

Further reading material (Costituzione italiana, Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo, Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo, altri atti normativi di necessaria consultazione, giurisprudenza nazionale ed europea) will be available on e-learning platform

Teaching method: sixty hours of lectures.

Seminars on specific issues

Professor office hours: wednesday, from 3 p.m to 4 p.m.



Parent course