Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

The attendance at the course doesn't require previous knowledge of marketing principles, the attendance of the course of Management is strongly recommended

The exam consists of a written test on the topics addressed during the course and analysed in the textbook indicated in the teaching material. The exam is structured in 5 quiz questions (one correct answer) and in two open questions. Each quiz provides an assessment of between 0 and 3 point each, each open question provides an assessment rate between 0 and 8.5 points. For the evaluation of open question, the Lecture will take into account the candidate’s ability to use an appropriate specialist lexicon, together with the overall quality of the answers as well as the ability to critically comment on the issues being verified, including practical examples taken from the market

Voto Finale

The course aims at providing the basics for understanding the evolution of the role of marketing in today's competitive environment, the elements that characterize the strategic marketing analysis, the operational marketing levers as well as tools for the implementation of effective marketing strategies both with regard to B2B B2C markets. On completion of the course, students are expected to be prepared to analyse the elements both of the transactional and relationship marketing approaches. Students should also be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to the analysis of proposed case studies and to process the company's strategic and operative marketing plans.

1. The changing role of marketing in the context of the evolution of the relationships between business, the economy and society (2h)
2. Customer needs analysis (3h)
3. Customer purchasing behaviour in B2C, B2B and B2B2C markets(2h)
4. Market analysis through segmentation (3h)
5. Market segmentation in B2C and B2B markets (3h)
6. Analysis of market attractiveness (2h)
7. Targeting, profiling and positioning marketing strategies on target segments (3h)
8. Product strategies and the strategic management in the phase of lunching of a new product into the marketplace(3h)
9. Brand management and brand positioning in B2B e B2C markets (3h)
10. Prince strategies and price goals (3h)
11. Distribution strategies and management of multichannel levels (3h)
12. Communication strategies(3h)
13. Relationship marketing in B2B and service markets: Customer retention and and loyalty management strategies (3h)
14. Social Media Marketing and Digital marketing strategies (4h)

8ed - Jean-Jacques Lambin, Emanuela Tesser
© 2021

Cap. 1 – Il concetto tradizionale di Marketing
Par. 1.1 / 1.2

Cap. 2 – Il concetto di orientamento al mercato
Par. 2.1 / 2.2 /2.3 / 2.4
Caso: Illycaffe (p. 39)

Cap. 3 – La globalizzazione dei mercati e i valori emergenti
Par. 3.2
Caso: Il Gruppo Armani (p. 69)

Cap. 4 – Le nuove tecnologie digitali
Par. 4.2 / 4.3 / 4.4
Caso: Le innovazioni tecnologiche nel Manchester City Club (p. 102)

Cap. 5 – L’analisi dei bisogni del cliente
Par. 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.4
Caso: Under Amour ti rende migliore (p. 129)

Cap. 6 – Il Comportamento d’acquisto del cliente
Par. 6.1 / 6.2 / 6.6 / 6.7
Caso: Decathlon: l’esperienza legata agli eventi di pratica sportiva (p. 159)

Cap. 7 – NO

Cap. 8 – L’analisi dei mercati attraverso la segmentazione
Par. 8.1 / 8.2 / 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5 / 8.6
Caso: I millenial e la crescita del segmento delle birre analcoliche (p. 221)

Cap. 9 – L’analisi di attrattività del mercato
Par.9.2 / 9.3 / 9.4 /9.6 / 9.7
Caso: E-mountain bike: un mercato attraente? (p. 250)

Cap. 10 – NO

Cap. 11 – Il mercato target e le strategie di posizionamento
Par. 11.1 / 11.2 / 11.3 / 11.4
Caso: Levis Strauss (p. 294)

Cap. 12 – NO (riprende i concetti di analisi strategica svolti nel corso di Management: se non si ricordano, ripassarli!)

Cap. 13 – NO
Cap. 14 – Le decisioni di lancio di nuovi prodotti
Par. 14.1/ 14.2 / 14.3 / 14.4 / 14.5 / 14.6
Caso: L’innovazione attraverso la collaborazione: Apple Watch Nike (p. 390)

Cap. 15 - La gestione della marca
Par. 15.1 / 15.2 / 15.3 / 15.4 / 15.5
Caso: Burberry (p. 416)

Cap. 16 – Le decisioni di distribuzione
Par. 16.1 / 16.2/ 16.3 /16.4 / 16.5/ 16.6 /16.8
Caso: ASOS: stabilire il ritmo della moda on line (p. 450)

Cap. 17 – La marca dei distributori
Par. 17.1 / 17.2 / 17.3
Caso Conad (p. 466)

Cap. 18 Le decisioni di prezzo
Par. 18.1 / 18.2 / 18.3 / 18.4 / 18.6 / 18.7
Caso: Easy Jet e Ryanair (p. 503)

Cap. 19 - Le decisioni di comunicazione di marketing Par. 19.1 /19.2 /19.3 /19.5 /19.6
Caso: la sponsorizzazione degli e-sport (p. 547)


The course is structured in frontal lessons. Both case studies and seminar topics will be considered part of the exam

During the course period reception will take place through calls on Teams to be fixed by sending an email at the address