- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Although no special prerequisites are required, a previous, good knowledge of the sources of the Italian and European law is strongly recommended. Both can be acquired by attending the Public Law course or by taking the Public Law exam.
Until the end of the Covid-19 emergency, due to the high number of students, the exam will be held on line, through a multiple-choice test, delivered via e-learning, with simultaneous access to the Microsoft Teams platform for video surveillance.
The test consists of 16 questions (15 plus one for summa cum laude) to be taken in 30 minutes.
The final mark is awarded on the basis of an overall assessment of the test, which takes into account not only the number of correct answers, but also the quality and relevance of each question, from the point of view of the ability to understand legal language, the rationale behind the rules, the function of legal institutions and the ability to reason logically in solving non-complex legal problems.
During the regular teaching period, the examination takes place in the classroom
and consists of a written test at the end of the course, aimed at verifying the student's knowledge of basic legal concepts and basic legal terminology and the capacity for logical reasoning in the solution of legal problems of a non-complex nature.
The written test, which is held according to the examination sessions calendar, consists of a multiple-choice test of 30 questions, to be carried out without the help of the Civil Code or other legislative texts within one hour.
Each correct answer assigns 1 point; the minimum mark for passing the examination is 18/30. The results of the examination are expressed on thirtieth scale. Summa cum laude will be awarded against 30 points and the exact answer to two additional and optional questions.
No interim examinations are provided during the course.
Examination method and program are the same for attending and non-attending students.
Only regularly registered students will be admitted to the examination.
The aim of the course is to provide students with the knowledge of the principles and basic rules of Italian private law, with particular reference to those related to economic issues.
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- recognize the fundamental legal concepts and basic legal terminology
- identify and solve legal problems of a non-complex nature.
The course deals with the following subjects, (taken from the reference book's table of contents):
- Rights (9 hours)
The concept of "right" and other legal concepts - Legal acts and legal facts, effectiveness of legal acts- Goods and things - Circulation of rights and obligations
- Persons (9 hours)
Natural and legal persons - Natural persons – Organizations
- The right of ownership and property interests (12 hours)
The right of ownership in the Italian legal system - The right of ownership: actions, acquisition and protection - Property interests - Property interests and obligations - Public records - Possession.
- The law of obligations (9 hours)
The concept of obligation - Performance of obligation, termination of obligations other than performance – Modification of obligations - Effects of non-performance: default by the obligor – Security, means of guaranteeing credit
- The law of contract (18 hours)
The concept of contract – Contract formation, form of the contract - Agency - The elements of the contract - The law of contract - The legal effects and the binding force of contract – Effectiveness of the contract, freedom of contract and content of the contract – Void and voidable contract - Termination of contract and other remedies
- Sale (3 hours)
Examination method and program are the same for attending and non-attending students.
Reference book: Vincenzo Roppo, Diritto privato, linee essenziali, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition, with reference to parts and chapters mentioned in the “Course Content “ section.
An updated edition of the Italian civil code is essential.
Materials (such as tests, legal cases) will be distributed during tutorials.
60 hour lecture course, in Italian, aimed at illustrating the main institutes of private law, with specific regard to the subjects most directly related to economic issues, accompanied by examples taken from practice.
Office hours: according to the calendar published on the Department's website (Home page docente) or by appointment by contacting the teacher at the following email address: