Television and crossmedia languages
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
Excellent knowledge of Italian.
L'esame è scritto e consiste nell'accertamento dei contenuti del corso.
Gli studenti frequentanti potranno esporre una ricerca da concordare con il docente (30% della valutazione conclusiva).
During the course, the specificities of television and cross-media communication will be dealt with, evaluating the main communication strategies and the design of advertising and public communication campaigns, also with reference to new media. The topics of specialized languages, television Italian, the contrast to the sexist uses of the language and the choices for accessible and inclusive communication will be dealt with.
- Television and communication;
- Advertising;
- Linguistic sexism;
- Language and power
- Television and communication;
- Advertising;
- Linguistic sexism;
- Cross-media;
- Language and power
D. ANTELMI, Il discorso dei media, Carocci, 2006, Roma, ISBN 9788843037889.
B. BALDI, Il linguaggio del potere, Carocci, 2021, Roma, ISBN 9788829005420.
P. NITTI, L’insulto. La lingua dello scherzo, la lingua dell’odio, Cesati, 2021, Firenze, ISBN 9788876679308.
Lectures, case study analysis, project works, problem solving activities.