- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Oral exam. During the text, the candidate is required to answer four questions, two for each part of the course. The final mark will be based on the following criteria: 60% accuracy and quality of answer, 30% ability to motivate statements, 10 % abilities shown during exam.
The course aims to offer the students the tools to evaluate, in the most rigorous way possible, whether a given current of thought or a specific world view can be traced back to the world of ideology or if it is characterized the same structural features of ideologie.
Two options:
Three texts chosen among the following list:
H. Arendt, Le origini del totalitarismo (pp. 423-656)
H. Arendt, Sulla Rivoluzione
R.Aron, L'oppio degli intellettuali
D. Bell, La fine dell'ideologia
R. Boudon, L'ideologia
E. Burke, Riflessioni sulla rivoluzione francese
Chateaubriand, Saggio sulle Rivoluzioni
A. Cochin, Lo spirito del Giacobinismo
L. Daris, Educare alla Rivoluzione
L. Daris, Bruto giudica Capeto
F. Furet, Il passato di un'illusione
G. Le Bon, Psicologia delle folle
K. Mannheim Ideologia e utopia
1. One text chosen among the first list.
2. One text chosen among the following list:
Ballard, Il condominio
Hugo, 1793
Huxley, Il mondo nuovo e ritorno al mondo nuovo
Koestler, Buio a mezzogiorno
London, Il tallone di ferro
Melville, Billy Budd
Melville, Moby Dick
Orwell, La fattoria degli animali
Orwell, 1984
Sartre, Le mani sporche
Wells, L'isola del Dottor Moreau
Zamjatin, Noi
3. Material uploaded on E-learning and illustrated in class
Classes and seminars. During the course, some videos of speeches of politicians will be shown, to analyze, with a group work, whether ideological or not.
The professor is available to meet with students after each lesson, without appointment. For any further communication related to the examination, contact via email: luca.daris@uninsubria.it