Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in COMMUNICATION SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (56 hours)

1. the ability to use the specific languages of the problem;
2. how to relate1. a general culture acquired as part of a five-year high school course;
2. a general interest in culture in its various social manifestations, from the historical and sociological approach to the more general problems of the world of communication.

Final Examination: 

LThe learning will be verified by an oral test.
The oral exam consists of a presentation of the topics covered in the course and will aim to ascertain the candidate's preparation on the texts in question and his ability to give a critical interpretation.
They will be evaluated:
- the lexical correctness of the presentation (5 points);
- the correctness of the conceptual analysis carried out on the texts (10 points);
- the acquisition of an effective learning methodology (5 points);
- the critical capacity and autonomy of the student (10 points).

Voto Finale

The course of this A.Y. 2021-22 is entitled:
The metamorphosis of the planet in the impact with the first globalization following the great European explorations of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
The course aims to develop some basic skills as well as some insights into specific aspects of aesthetics related to concepts such as: the globalization of the economy, politics, nature, viruses and bacteria, trade and human populations.

The learning technique includes the exposition and interpretation of interdisciplinary texts of philosophical, historical, sociological and anthropological thought. These works will be the basis for activating the ability to understand the processes of construction of the image of the world, in the sphere of arts and literature, but also of the construction of social identity by the protagonists of knowledge in Western culture. Specifically, students will have to demonstrate that they are able to critically analyze and interpret the texts in the light of what they have learned within the course.

Elenco provvisorio:
1. Pierre Dalla Vigna, La distruzione del paradiso. Meraviglia, orrore e genocidio nella conquista europea delle Americhe, Meltemi, Milano 2020.
2. Charles C. Mann, 1493. Pomodori, Tabacco e batteri. Come Colombo ha creato il mondo in cui viviamo, Mondadori, Milano 2017.
3. Derek Diamond, Armi acciaio e malattie. Breve storia del mondo negli ultimi tredicimila anni, Einaudi, Torino 1992.


They will be evaluated:
1. the ability to use the specific languages of the problem;
2. how to relate1. a general culture acquired as part of a five-year high school course;
2. a general interest in culture in its various social manifestations, from the historical and sociological approach to the more general problems of the world of communication.

Hours of reception
By appointment via E-mail ( or telephone contact (cell. 347 4254976).