Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (72 hours)

Basic knowledge acquired in the
Thermodynamics and heat transfer course is
required, in particular:
1. Operation of thermal machines (motor and
refrigerator cycles)
2. Heat transfer

The exam of the Energy Sustainability
Technologies course normally takes place in
written form, but if it is not possible to attend
the course due to issues related to the
pandemic, it will be oral. In general it
1. A presentation of the exercises which must be delivered by the end of the course by emailing no later than the date which will be indicated with: descriptive report in .doc
format; drawings in .dwg and pdf format; spreadsheets in .xls format. The presentation must take place with the help of .ppt files and last approximately 15 minutes.
2. The dimensioning of one or more of the plants covered during the course.
3. An oral discussion or an answer to written questions on the topics in the program.
The assessment will particularly take into account the knowledge acquired and the ability to organize one's thinking and knowledge in a convincing way.

Voto Finale

The course Technologies for energy
sustainability, will deal with energy
sustainability. The skills acquired contribute
to defining the professional profile of an
engineer of the sustainability in work
environments with regard to energy and
related plant engineering.
At the end of the course, the students will
have acquired the notions for:
1. Set up the energy diagnosis
2. Identify the main energy efficiency
measures (including the possible integration
with renewable sources plants)
3. Critically analyze the technological and
organizational context of the analyzed
company to define an effective intervention
4. Implement the sizing of limited
interventions to replace or integrate
5. Carry out the economic and financial
evaluation of the proposed interventions (including any available incentives)
6. Present the results of their work with
different tools: oral presentation, written
presentation, spreadsheet.

1. Tools for sustainability (12 hours)
a. Audit and diagnosis
b. Maintenance
c. Monitoring
d. Investment analysis
e. Regulations, legislation, related obligations
and opportunities (incentives)
2. Technologies for sustainability (60 hours)
a. History and evolution of energy
sustainability in Italy
b. Building envelope
c. Solar thermal system
d. Heat pumps
e. Water-sanitary system
f. Heating systems
g. Air conditioning systems
h. Photovoltaic
i. Hints on optimization of industrial plants and the use of software for energy analysis.
A series of monodisciplinary seminars may be offered as part of the course. The seminar program is designed starting from the proposals of the MSc steering committee and the requests of the students. The goal is dual:
on one hand to provide the soft skills useful to the sustainability professional, and on the other hand to present real experiences in order to accompany the students towards their professional career with a greater awareness of real contexts.

All the course material is made available on the institutional e-learning system.
A useful but not mandatory supporting text is:
Nino Di Franco, Energy management.
Fondamenti per la valutazione, la
pianificazione e il controllo dell'efficienza
energetica. 3rd edition, new edition 2019 Franco Angeli Edizioni ISBN: 9788891779403


Frontal lessons with use of powerpoint.
Relevant documents analysis.
Exercises on spreadsheet for sizing and
economic evaluation of small interventions.
Seminars with qualified experts.

The teacher is always available for personal or collective meetings to be booked by writing to
