- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Knowledge of general elements of comparative public law can be useful.
The assessment of learning is different for attending and non-attending students.
For ATTENDING students, there will be an assignment, at the end of the course, with a maximum score of 25, and then an oral test, with a maximum score of 5.
For NON-ATTENDING students, there will be a final oral test on the whole course programme, graded in thirtieths.
The course aims to provide a systematic overview of the principles and institutions of Swiss constitutional law with regard to the form of state, the form of government, the system of sources of law and constitutional guarantees.
The course programme includes: elements of Swiss constitutional history; the Swiss federal form of state; the organization of power: the people, the Federal Assembly, the Federal Council, and the judiciary; the system of sources of law; constitutional guarantees; rights and freedoms.
-Elements of Swiss constitutional history.
-The form of State: Swiss federalism.
-Introduction to the form of government.
-The people in the organisation of power.
-The Federal Assembly.
-The Federal Council.
-Introduction to the system of sources.
-The Federal Constitution.
-Federal Laws.
-Non-legislative acts.
-The popular legislative initiative.
-Referendum and other forms of popular participation.
-International law.
-Constitutional jurisdiction.
-Rights and freedoms.
The course takes place in the second semester through a total of 50 lecture hours.
The teaching includes lectures on the principles and institutions of Swiss constitutional law and case discussions with the involvement of students. Qualified external guests also will intervene.
Ricevimento previo appuntamento (luigi.testa@uninsubria.it).