- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no prescribed prerequisites. However, a proper knowledge of the Philosophy of Law is recommended.
The exam will consist of an oral test concerning the program and the topics discussed during the course, with general and more specific questions regarding the issues covered. The final grade will be expressed out of thirty. In particular, the ability to refer the contents of the program, as well as to reason and argue critically with regard to specific problems proposed during the course will be evaluated. Communication skills and appropriate use of legal language will also be assessed.
Sociology of Law is aimed at studying the interactions between law and society, highlighting how law can affect social behaviours and, vice versa, how social changes can shape the evolution of the law.
The course of Sociology of Law is aimed at providing some tools for studying Law with a technical, formal and also critical approach, broadening the training of the modern jurist, who will increasingly have to operate in a national and international context in constant and rapid evolution.
In the first part of this course, the historical development of this discipline will be traced. In the second part, major institutional concepts will be analyzed with reference to the social context (national and supranational) in which the same concepts are applied. Students will then be guided in the analysis of judgments or other material provided.
Some case studies will be proposed in the classroom, with the aim of giving students the opportunity to have a practical experience, increase their communicative-relational and problem solving skills, and improve their critical thinking and problem solving attitude. At the end of the course, students are expected to prove an appropriate knowledge regarding the issues and topics covered.
In the first part of the course, the main theoretical contributions to the development of Sociology of Law will be examined, following the guidelines indicated in the main text proposed for the exam (about 10 hours). The second part will be dedicated to topics such as the concept of the legal system and its relations with other social systems; the processes of formation and elaboration of legal norms; the functions of the law; the role of the judge; the methods for the treatment of disputes; the influence of supranational and international law on the national legal order, the evolution of the protection of fundamental rights, the relationship between law, information and communication; research methodology in Sociology of Law; practical cases (about 25 hours).
V. FERRARI, Lineamenti di Sociologia del diritto. 1. Azione giuridica e sistema normativo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2013 (ISBN: 9788842053798)
Relevant materials (slides or readings concerning topics or practical cases discussed) will be loaded on the e-learning platform.
Any changes will be communicated during the academic year.
The course will take place in the first half and it will be divided into about 35 hours.
In accordance with the current Rectoral provisions, lessons will be held in presence (with "Green Pass COVID19"), with the possibility to reserve places in the classroom with the Student App. However, distance learning will always be guaranteed through the Microsoft Teams platform.
Materials on power point will be used and discussed during the course and will be made available through the e-learning platform.
The course will include theoretical lessons (about 10 hours), lesson aimed at illustrating the interactions between different law-related phenomena, lessons focused on current topics as well as the presentation of case studies (about 25 hours).
Additional information may be requested at the end of the lessons. In any case, students can agree a reception with the Professor by sending an e-mail to the following address: Further details will be provided through the University website and the e-learning platform.
ERASMUS students can attend classes in Italian and/or prepare a written paper in English on a research topic of interest to be agreed with the Professor, who will support students in finding materials in English language and also by supervising students' research activity during dedicated meetings.