Religious Rights and Community and Family Mediation

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Knowledge of the contents and essential historical aspects of the main religious rights, primarily of Islam but also of religious rights in India, etc ...: for this purpose it is important to attend courses in "Religions and Rights in multicultural societies" : the case of Islam ”and“ Comparative law of religions ”which will provide the essential basis of this course.

Final Examination: 

For students who attend the lessons in full, an intermediate written test is foreseen which will contribute to the final evaluation, and at the end of the course there will be an oral exam. The assessment of learning will take into account the presence in the lessons, the level of interaction of the students, and the adequacy of presentation of the topics to be developed individually or in groups, commissioned by the teachers, the mastery in the use of specific terminology as well as the ability to justify, by reasoning properly, the statements and opinions.

Voto Finale

The course deals with two areas: one part focuses on mediation in the community context, the other on mediation in the family context. The lessons deepen theoretical aspects and practices of cultural mediation in community and family contexts in environments characterized by cultural and religious diversity.
Through an interdisciplinary methodological-didactic approach, the course will focus on the most delicate and conflicting issues that highlight the diversity and distance between "new" cultural and religious presences and settlement societies, with the aim of providing an overview of the mechanisms that trigger the conflict.
At the end of the course, the student demonstrates that he has adequate skills in relation to the acquisition:
a) the fundamental principles of community and family mediation to acquire, as an “intercultural mediator”, the ability: 1) to read and decode the religious and cultural value of conflicts in order to prevent and manage them;
2) to grasp the typical features of culturally and religiously motivated conduct and to ensure a public translation compatible with Italian "common" law.
The course runs alongside that of Religions and Rights and Comparative Law of Religions of which it constitutes an in-depth study.

The course is dedicated to the study of community and family mediation as a space for dealing with conflictual events, attentive both to the cultural and religious contexts to which they belong and to respect for the principles and mandatory rules of the Italian legal system. intends to provide future mediators with the tools to frame and address some of the most delicate issues relating to religiously connoted inter-cultural conflicts. Divided into two modules: the part dedicated to mediation within the community will focus on the "internal" aspects of religious rights, taking into consideration areas such as, for example, the school, the health sector, the city, prison; the part dedicated to the family will introduce the theme of family mediation, illustrating the classic setting, and then deepen themes such as the Muslim family, the so-called. second generations, family dynamics with respect to educational relationships, the theme of mixed marriages and the problematic issue of forced marriages.

For students who attend the entire course on the e-learning platform, power-point presentations, scientific articles, sentences and practical cases to be discussed with the students will be uploaded at the appropriate time and the bibliography and the reference filmography will be indicated. Attending students are required to watch the films
1) Deniz Gamze Ergüven's Mustang
2) East is east by Damien O'Donnell
3) A separation of Asghar Farhadi
For non-attending students, it is necessary to contact the teacher via email ( for the assignment of the texts


The teaching includes:
workshop-lessons held in seminar form. The seminars are oriented both to theoretically frame the issues addressed and to present concrete cases to students. The direct study of the cases is aimed at offering students suitable tools to understand the key steps for managing conflicts in a transformative key to (re-) build generative relationships in compliance with the Italian legal system; viewing of films and documentaries to be analyzed and discussed in class. During the lessons, on the basis of the flipped classroom methodology, on specific topics, bibliographical indications and study material will be provided to be prepared in advance, with an individual or group study, to free up space for active learning, to be experimented through cooperation and discussion. Documents, practical cases, ppt presentations, video indications are expected to be uploaded to the e-learning platform.


Bulgheroni Cesare