Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in TOURISM SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

The teaching of Sociology of Communication and Tourism does not require preliminary knowledge, however a minimum knowledge of sociological terminology is desirable. To this end, students are advised to consult a Sociology dictionary.

Final Examination: 

The method of verifying knowledge and skills consists of an oral exam, oriented to the discussion of contents and approaches presented and to ascertain the mastery of the language to express them. The assessment is made taking into account the relevance of the answers given to the questions asked, the clarity of presentation and the possession of the specific language of the discipline. The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.

Voto Finale

Given the educational objectives of the course of study, the teaching focuses on the introduction and practice of the sociological perspective, both in general terms and applied to the fields of communication and tourism. In the context of the professional training of those who will operate in the hospitality industry, the acquisition sociological skills - oriented to reading local contexts, their situated dynamics and relationship with global forces – is deemed to be fundamental.
The teachinge aims to provide the main sociological references - theoretical and methodological - to understand communication and tourism phenomena in relation to the advent of modernity and its most recent transformations.
The general learning goal pursued by the teaching consists in the development of a self-reflexive gaze, capable of contextualising and grasping the social construction character of collective phenomena and, in particular, of those relating to communication and tourism. The specific objectives are to acquire familiarity with the sociological thinking and to master its main vocabulary.

The course is divided into two parts, distinct but developed in an integrated way during the lessons. A first part is dedicated to the introduction of the sociological perspective, starting from the thought developed by the so-called "founding fathers" of the discipline to grasp and account for the development of modernity and the complex phenomenologies related to it. A second part of the course is thematic, with reference to communication and tourism issues. In particular, the following topics will be addressed: post-industrial society and tourism; daily life and social interaction; socio-economic transformations; communication and the cultural industry; the knowledge economy; the origins, transformations and phenomenology of contemporary tourism; cultural strategies for local promotion; events; public space and urban transformations; civil society.

For the preparation of the exam, all students are required to study the texts indicated from point 1 to point 3:

1. Jedlowski P. (1998), The world in question. Introduction to the history of sociological thought, Carocci, Rome.

2. d’Eramo M. (2019) The selfie of the world. Survey on the age of tourism, Feltrinelli, Milan.
3. The readings uploaded on the webpage of the course on elearning ('metodi didattici-letture', folder 'letture obbligatorie').


The course includes 50 hours of lectures.
Given the current pandemic circumstances, at least initially, classes will take place remotely.
The course alternates theoretical lessons with others to deepen the most pressing issues posed by the study of the sociology of communication and tourism. Examples and case studies will be functional to bring students closer to the sociological discipline and its application to the areas of communication and tourism. The teaching is given by the teacher in charge of the course, which encourages the active participation of students in the course as much as possible.
