Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 

- Pre-requisites are those provided by the course's degree program. In order to be able to take advantage of the course, the student should have a solid knowledge of physiopathology, clinic and diagnostics of major medical and surgical pathologies and adequate knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the main emergency molecules.

-Testing is a written test with 20 multiple-choice questions for the Integrated Course, 60 questions overall. Questions to be answered within 90 minutes are inherent in lesson plans and in-depth tutorials, and allow for 75% of cases to assess the level of knowledge of the topics and for the remaining 25% the ability to connect different aspects of care handled during theoretical lessons and practical exercises. The final vote, expressed in thirty, will depend on the arithmetic sum of the points obtained with each answer: 0,5 points if it is correct, 0 if incorrect or omitted.

Giudizio Finale

-The course aims to provide the students, with the help of front lessons and exercises on simulator mannequins, knowledge of the most common emergency situations that may threaten the survival of patients, adults or children, both intra- and extra-hospital, and the diagnostic-therapeutic algorithms of their management.
The expected learning outcomes in terms of skills are primarily those to acquire decision-making and nursing care capabilities in the most common clinical situations of acute failure of organs and apparatus, and in particular in case of cardiac arrest, cardiovascular insufficiency, respiratory failure, major trauma before and after hospitalization, sepsis and acute intoxications.

The basic contents of lessons (L) and exercises on simulator mannequins (E) are:
1) typical and atypical emergencies (L 1 h);
2) decision-making in emergency situations (L 1 h);
3) organization of outpatient and intra-hospital emergency medical situations (L 1 h);
4) pathophysiology of respiratory and cardio-circulation (L 3 h);
5) Sudden Cardiac Attack and Basic Life Support with Early Defibrillation (L 5 h +E 5 h to obtain accreditation in BLSD of the Regione Lombardia);
6) care in the treatment of cardiac arrest with Advanced Life Support, threatening arrhythmias, cardio-circulatory and respiratory failure (L 5 h + E 3 h);
7) care in the treatment of major trauma, before and after hospitalization (L 4 h);
8) principles of general anaesthesia and pain control (L 2 h);
9) prevention tools of post-operative pulmonary complications (L 2 h);
10) application of Non Invasive Ventilation (L 2 h)
11) sepsis and septic shock (L 2 h);
12) acute intoxications and drugs (L 2 h).

1) typical and atypical emergencies (L 1 h);
2) decision-making in emergency situations (L 1 h);
3) organization of outpatient and intra-hospital emergency medical situations (L 1 h);
4) pathophysiology of respiratory and cardio-circulation (L 3 h);
5) Sudden Cardiac Attack and Basic Life Support with Early Defibrillation (L 5 h +E 5 h to obtain accreditation in BLSD of the Regione Lombardia);
6) care in the treatment of cardiac arrest with Advanced Life Support, threatening arrhythmias, cardio-circulatory and respiratory failure (L 5 h + E 3 h);
7) care in the treatment of major trauma, before and after hospitalization (L 4 h);
8) principles of general anaesthesia and pain control (L 2 h);
9) prevention tools of post-operative pulmonary complications (L 2 h);
10) application of Non Invasive Ventilation (L 2 h)
11) sepsis and septic shock (L 2 h);
12) acute intoxications and drugs (L 2 h).

“Urgenze ed emergenze - Istituzioni” Chiaranda M. Piccin editor- Padova, IV edition 2016; pages 725;
“Guida illustrata delle emergenze” Chiaranda M. Piccin editor - Padova, 2007; pages 677+ multi-medial CD-rom;
“Diagnosi e trattamento delle emergenze medico-chirurgiche” Androni B., Chiara O., Coen D., Vescovi S. - Masson editor– Elsevier Milano, 2009; pages 511;
“Emergenze medico chirurgiche” di Tiberio G. Masson editor- Milano, 2001; pages 586;
“Urgenze ed emergenze medico-chirurgiche” Agrò F. Edizioni Minerva Medica editor - Torino, 2000; pages 540;
“European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015” Resuscitation 2015, 95:1-80 (section 1); 81-99 (section 2 BLS adult and automated external defibrillation)”

-Direct lectures with projection of slides and multi-medial video
-Training skill practices on simulator manikins to optimizing performances in first aid and advanced life support scenarios

-Students reception to be agreed by mail appointment at the address:


Parent course