The knowledge gained in previous years' teaching, with particular reference to the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system, are required.
Clinical approach to children and adolescents with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Knowledge of the main neurological and psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence. To provide the basic knowledge about the most common paediatric diseases focusing on the disorders with physiotherapy application. To provide the knowledge basis of the pathology interst ing the the rehabilitation of the child condidering the complexity and variability of the development process dynamism of the adaptive functions in the the disabled child motor behavior. To encourage the students to use the deductive method during the evaluation and rehabilitation of the child . To develop and translate the recent theories into the rehabilitative praxis in order to actively contribute to validate the theories by own experience
The course objectives will be achieved through frontal lectures supported by slides and video projection to illustrate the clinical features of the major neuropsychiatric frameworks. Full-text papers. Literature and web references of specific topics.
Credits: 1
Credits: 2
Credits: 2