Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Dental Hygiene
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

For the understanding of the topics covered and their deepening, knowledge of general Psychology is necessary

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of:

- an oral exam in which the student will be asked a number of questions, both specific and broader, one of which will be chosen. 50% will weigh for the formulation of the final grade

- a written test which consists in the presentation of a text with the elaboration and deepening of a theme chosen by the programme. It will weigh 40% for the formulation of the final grade

- the oral and written presentation of an educational project in the health sector to be done as a group work. It will weigh 10% for the formulation of the final grade.

Voto Finale

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1-know and understand the theoretical basis of pedagogy and its practical applications in health education

2 - acquire the skills necessary to apply pedagogical knowledge for solving problems with the user, in carrying out operational practice and implementing health education projects for individuals and communities in the area.

3-Acquisition of pedagogical strategies in the hygienist-patient relationship and in the modification of risk behaviors in the management of anxiety and somatized stress

4-Acquisition of the general concepts of work psychology and in particular of the dynamics inherent in group work, and basic concepts of the burn out syndrome.

1.General concepts of pedagogy
2. The ages of the mind: the development of the ability to learn
3. Sanitary education and promotion of the health 4.Management of anxiety and phobia in sanitary pedagogical relationship
5.The psychosomatic of mouth and teeth in the pedagogical relationship
6. Psychology of the job in sanitary ambit

1.General concepts of pedagogy

1.1. Definitions 1.2. Glossary 1.3. Pedagogical models 1.4. The pedagogical

competences of the D.I.

2. The ages of the mind: the development of the ability to learn

2.1. The life-cycle (Infancy, adolescence, adult age and aging) 2.2. The stages of

development of the cognitive functions

2.3 The educational relation in dental field in developing age

3. Sanitary education and promotion of the health

3.1. The concept of health and its evolution

3.2. From the prevention of the disease to the promotion of the well-being

4.Management of anxiety and phobia

4.1.Definition of anxiety and phobia

4.2. Pedagogic and psychological strategies in the


5. .The psychosomatic of mouth and teeth in the pedagogical relationship

5.1. Birth of psychosomatic sciences

5.2. Stress

5.3. PNEI

5.4. The sense of pain

5.5.The symbolism of the oral cavity

5.6.Psycosomatic diseases in dentistry

6. Psychology of the job in sanitary ambit 6.1. From the social group to the job team 6.2 The bourn out syndrome

Learning of general concepts of pedagogy and their appliance in sanitary education in

particular in odontoiatric field

Learning of pedagogic strategies and relational abilities in the relation D.I.- patient in

the t modification of the behaviors to health hazard

Learning of general concepts of psychology of the job and in particular of the

dynamics of group and leadership, crisis of the group

l Camaioni L, Manuale di psicologia dello sviluppo.Bologna,Il Mulino, 1993

l Morsicano S, Elementi di Psicopedagogia. Milano, Franco Angeli, 1998.

l Ferraresi A, Gaiani R, Manfredi M. Educazione Terapeutica. Roma, Carrocci Faber, 2004.

l Carrassi A, Bellani ML, Pezzotta P. Comunicazione e Counselling in Odontoiatria. Milano, Masson, 1999.

l Oliverio A, Oliverio Ferraris. Le età della mente. Milano BUR, 2005

l Speltinini G.,Stare in gruppo.Milano,Mulino,2002

l Pasini W. Psicologia odontoiatrica. Milano,Masson,1992

l Frigoli D. Cavallari G. Ottolenghi D,la psicosomatica-il significato e il senso della malattia, ed Xenia


The course consists of 24 hours of frontal lessons of which 6 hours are intended for group work

The teaching methods are consistent with the expected teaching results
