Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Biomedical Laboratory techniques
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)

No prerequisites are required for this course.

For all modules of the integrated course, the verification consists of an oral test, with a question, for each module, in which the student will be called to demonstrate knowledge of the program. The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the previously indicated training objectives. The exam result will be out of thirty and to pass the exam, the student must achieve a mark of not less than 18 (eighteen) for each module; the final mark will be the average of the marks of all modules

Giudizio Finale

This teaching follows and completes that of Clinical Sciences 1, providing the future graduate with those principles of Endocrinology, Allergology, Gynecology and Pediatrics which represent a useful cultural background in the performance of his future functions.

The course consists of 4 modules:
1. ENDOCRINOLOGY, Credits: 1
4. PEDIATRICS Credits: 1

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

1) discuss the functioning of fundamental immune cells, such as dendritic cells, natural killer cells, T and B lymphocytes, their interactions and the main molecules involved;
2) describe the different mechanisms of allergy and the different types of hypersensitivity, as well as the immunological processes of autoimmune diseases, HIV immunodeficiency and some notes on transplants;
3) frame the most frequent gynecological pathologies;
4) know the most frequent pathologies of the newborn and child;
5) correctly interpret the main pediatric laboratory tests;
6) describe and explain the generalities of the endocrine system, the
chemical structure of hormones, and types of hormonal action, and general endocrine pathology.

The lectures will address the following topics:

General on the endocrine system, general, chemical structure of hormones, hormonal types, hormonal hormonal, feedbacks, biological rhythms.
General endocrine pathology :
Hyperplastic and autoimmune cancers
System of pituitary and relapse, principality of the endocrine center of the system, fundamental of pituitary pathology, thyroid, adrenal and phospho-calcium metabolism.

Laboratory diagnostics and other diagnostic tools in endocrinology

Boscaro M-Guida pratica di Endocrinologia - 2018 Piccin Editore
Lenzi A, Lombardi G, Martino E, Vigneri R- Endocrinologia Clinica-Uniendo. Ed. Minerva Medica

Slide lessons: downloadable from the University E-learning web site


The course consists of 12 hours lectures (1 CFU).
All lessons are supported by the slide show in Power Point
During the course, for some specific areas will be dedicated times of learning test in the itinerary with small questions of differential laboratory

Availability of the teacher to hold meetings at the S.C. Hospital of Endocrinology - Pavilion Day Center ASST settelaghi, for clarification or in-depth discussion on topics covered for groups or individual students by appointment by email: marialaura.tanda@uninsubria.it

Parent course