1. Research, nursing research, research metodology.
2. Nursing research
developement in Italy and abroad.
3. Nursing research in professional laws and research training levels.
4. The continuum of qualitative and quantitative research: types of research mainly used in nursing.
5. The phases of the research process.
6. Types of Knowledge Synthesis: clarification on terminology and, in particular, Literature Review, Scoping Review and Systematic Review.
7. Outline of the Evidence Based Practice methodology.
8. Critical appraisal of research articles.
9. Research results dissemination: posters, oral presentations and suggestions for writing a scientific article.
Sironi C. (2010) Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica: i fondamenti teorici e gli elementi di base per comprenderla nella realtà italiana. Milano: Casa editrice ambrosiana.
Articles used or reported during the course by the teacher or proposed by students.
To know more:
Fain J.A. (2004) La ricerca infermieristica. Leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla. Milano: McGraw-Hill.
Polit D.F., Tatano Beck C. (2018) Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. Milano: McGraw-Hill. 2° edizione (la prima stampa della 2° edizione è del 2014).
Sasso L., Bagnasco A., Ghirotto L. (2015) La ricerca qualitativa. Una risorsa per i professionisti della salute. Milano: Edra.
Lectures and guided discussions of scientific articles. The educational objectives and expected learning outcomes will be easily achieved with active participation in the proposed activities (individual and in groups), in the critical use of the textbook adopted, in consulting the suggested in-depth bibliography and reading the articles reported.
It will always be possible to request a talk, including individual ones, view the exams and carry out target tutoring, arranging with the teacher.
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