Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (45 hours)

The student must have passed all the examinations and eligibility requirements for the previous year.

oral exam

Voto Finale

At the end of the course, the student must be able to apply the nursing process for solving problems in pediatrics using the technical and scientific knowledge acquired for specific clinical manifestations.
Identify criteria for observing, conducting objective examination and detecting vital parameters in pediatric age;
To ascertain and treat the most frequent nursing problems in the pediatric age (fever, pain, gastro-intestinal diseases, respiratory, infectious diseases, exanthematics, Poisonings, accidental pathologies, Diabetes, abuse); ascertain and activate strategies to determine a safe child growth environment.
The main objective of the course is to acquire the basics of gynecological anatomy, of normal endocrinological function in gynecology and of gynecological pathologies.
At the end of the teaching, the students should be know:
1) Gynaecological pathologies and the treatments
2) contraception
3) gynecological endocrinology
4) urogynaecology
5) pregnancy and delivery
6) gynaecological emergencies

Clinical approach to children and adolescents with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Implications for the relationship between the nurse and the patient and his family. Knowledge of the main neurological and psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence.

Highlight elements related to the different ages and phases of life that determine the complexity of nursing care. Identify the nursing needs prevalent in children and women. Associate manifestations of nursing care needs with most incidence and prevalence in children and women. Setup, maintain and carry out relationships with the sick child and his family or people of reference. Document and evaluate the various phases and outcomes of the entire care process for the child and the woman.

Normal newborn, SIDS and ALTE, breast feeding and formula, the normal growth and development, neonantal screening, vaccinations, the control of the pain during childhood, the fever, acute and chronic diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, seizures, cough, main infections diseases, the approach to the adolescent, poisonings, child abuse.

Anatomy, contraception, endometriosis, urogynecology, cervical pathologies, endometrial pathologies, ovarian pathologies, gynecological emergencies, uterine fibroids, pregnancy, delivery.

Neuro-psychiatric development, autistic spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, psycosis, developmental disabilities (mental retardation, dyslexia and other learning disabilities), ADHD, psychosomatic disorders, eating disorders, headache, cerebral Palsy, epilepsy

Aspects of biopsychosocial development at different stages of the developmental age affecting nursing: definition, classification and biophysical characteristics of the evolutionary age and their bonds with nursing; the development of reproductive function and psychosocial development. Adaptation of the newborn to the environment and its nursing care; the diade mother-newborn; education to the body and sexuality: contraception, birth, mutilation of female genitalia. The nursing contribution to the promotion and maintenance of health. The disease of the child and his family. The hospitalization of the child in the hospital. Pain in the baby. The nursing contribution to the promotion and maintenance of health in women. Nursing Needs in the Pediatric Model according to the Model of Nursing Performance: classification and definition, peculiarities of the pediatric nursing care process with BAI diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Nursing assistance to the child with convulsion and poisoning. Nursing Needs Model in the obstetrics-gynecological field according to the Model of Nursing Performance: characteristic features, peculiarities of the nursing care process.

1. Aspects of the concept of man-person in the different stages of development that influence nursing care
2. Adaptation to the environment and ensuring safety in the different stages of development.
3. The nursing contribution in the promotion of health and disease prevention in the different stages of development and in women.
4. Relieve the suffering in the child and in the woman.
5. Emergencies in the pediatric field
1. Aspects of the concept of man-person in the different stages of development that influence nursing care
2. Adaptation to the environment and ensuring safety in the different stages of development.
3. The nursing contribution in the promotion of health and disease prevention in the different stages of development and in women.
4. Relieve the suffering in the child and in the woman.
5. Emergencies in the pediatric field

Please see the form of each teaching course

distance learning
