- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
Oral examination
Students will comparise values that inspire the nursing profession through the analysis of the Deontological Code of the Nurse (2019) in order to internalize a spontaneous and attentive professional style to the assisted person.
At the end of the course the student will be able to describe the main ethical and deontological values at stake in nursing care and to connect them correctly to the normative and deontological reference texts
Professional ethics at work
Nursing labour laws.
Italian Nurses' Code of etichs (2019)
Informed consent, compliance, alliance
Introduction, general knowledge and practice.
From associations to the Order, through the code of ethics.
Value formation and conflict management.
The law 219/2017
The law 24/2017
Commentary on the 2019 Code of Ethics for the Nursing Professions (Chap. 1-6)
FNOPI (2020), Commentario al Codice deontologico delle professioni infermieristiche
Legge 24/2017
Legge 2019/2017
Diapositive distribuite dal docente
Testi di approfondimento
Fry, T.S., Johnstone, M. (2004) Etica per la pratica infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Copelli, P. (2014) Etica e deontologia infermieristica. Custom Publishing, Mc Graw Hill – Create
Benci, L. (2019) Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica, Mc Graw Hill
Gobbi et al. (2020)
Storie di persone, voci di infermieri. Un approccio innovativo allo studio della bioetica e della deontologia, Mc Graw-Hill Education
Cremonesi, D. (2019) Lezioni di Deontologia professionale a uso degli studenti, per gentile concessione
Classroom lessons