Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

Knowledge of the conceptual reference models regarding the nursing care process in identifying the needs of the person in the different stages of life, in the different conditions of illness and frailty and in the different care contexts.

Verification of learning takes place through an oral exam in which the student, in addition to demonstrating that he has acquired the theoretical knowledge, is able to present it in a clear and adequate way according to the specificity of the course area: through the discussion of the general topic he will try to to deepen the application of the contents to the care environment in the different care settings on the basis of previous clinical internship experiences and in relation to the contents of the integrated course. The final evaluation will be expressed out of thirty, the mark will be expressed collectively by all the members of the commission of the integrated course.

Voto Finale

The course aims to deepen the role of the nurse as a health professional in the field of health promotion and disease prevention, using the knowledge acquired to identify, analyze and reflect on the phenomena of nursing interest that affect the individual in his context. of life, the community, the population, integrating in a multidisciplinary perspective with other professions committed to promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing diseases, both in hospitals and territories.

Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate knowledge about conceptual reference models in the field of disease prevention and health promotion; professional standards required; the foundations of the research process and their application in the various fields in order to improve the quality of care.
Apply the nursing care process to promote health and prevent major diseases affecting the population, in different care settings.
Recognize and respond to the needs of people assisted in the different stages of life and stages of development by using the nursing care process, the method of health education, the methodology of research and evidence of efficacy.
Employing knowledge to ensure safety for oneself and for the care recipient based on evidence of efficacy, guidelines and protocols.

Evolution of the concept of health, introduction to the concept of health promotion and disease prevention and its objectives, definition of the determinants of health, the role of social determinants and tackling of social inequalities to meet the needs of the disadvantaged population in the field of health.
Planning health promotion interventions: how to define the problem and the objectives to be achieved, how to evaluate the resources available and the desirable results.
Theories of change: how behaviors and choices regarding health and well-being are mediated by the individual's cognition, emotions, motivation and perceptions; how it can affect the interaction between the individual and the environment in which he lives.
PRECEDE-PROCEED METHOD a reference model that allows you to design educational interventions for health promotion through a clinical diagnostic path of analysis in a multidimensional and multidisciplinary perspective.
Health Literacy: the understanding of health information in order to be able to access health information and make adequate choices about one's health, increasing control over the determinants of health.
Life skills: health education strategies in developmental age to enhance individual skills transversal to the entire existence of the individual, determining an important protection factor for health.
From the concept of health education to the concept of health education and therapeutic education: new epidemiological arrangements, the need to put the person at the center of the educational intervention by promoting empowerment and supporting them in the learning path in a long-term perspective.

Auxilia F. Pontello M (2012) Igiene e sanità pubblica a cura di A. Pellai, Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunità. Padova. Piccin
Pellai A. (2002) Educazione sanitaria. Principi, modelli, strategie e interventi. Manuale per insegnanti e operatori socio-sanitari Milano: Franco Angeli.

Lessons take place in the classroom through the presentation of theoretical contents, case discussion, group work, bibliographic research.

In addition to the reference texts, supplementary material such as scientific articles and guidelines available on medical-scientific databases and search engines is provided during the course.
It is possible to contact the teacher via institutional email:
