- Plan nursing care for the person undergoing surgery according to the Nursing Performance Model (Cantarelli, 2017)
- Protect the safety of the person undergoing surgery
- Relieve suffering and pain
- Pre-operative nursing care
- Nursing assistance in the intraoperative phase
- Nursing care in the postoperative phase
- Nursing assistance to the person undergoing mastectomy
- Nursing assistance to the person undergoing gastrectomy
- Nursing assistance to the colostomized person
- Nursing assistance to the person undergoing pneumectomy
- Beth Hogan-Quigley,Mary Louise Palm,Lynn S. Bickley (2017) Bates. Valutazione per l'assistenza infermieristica. Esame fisico e storia della persona assistita. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
- Cantarelli M. (2017) Il modello delle prestazioni infermieristiche. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. 3^ edizione.
- Lise M. (2017) Chirurgia per infermieri. Padova: Piccin.
- Rigon L. A., Thiene E. (2009) Assistenza infermieristica in sala operatoria. Linee guida e procedure. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
- Sacchetti D., Lusuardi R., Amici E. (2011) Manuale Infermiere Strumentista. Torino: Edizioni Minerva Medica.
- Smeltzer S., Bare B. (2017) Brunner Suddart Infermieristica medico chirurgica. Volume 1 e 2. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
- Wicker P., O’Neal. (2007) Assistenza infermieristica perioperatoria. Milano: McGrowHill.
- Interactive frontal lesson, based on Ministerial and Rectoral indications, will be carried out remotely in Microsoft Teams with the uploading of the material on the e-learning platform.
- Group and individual activities / exercises to discussion of clinical cases taking into account standards, evidence and guidelines of best clinical practice.
The teacher is available by appointment through