Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (575 hours)

To access the internship, the student must have:
- eligibility for the first year internship
- suitability for vocational and learning activities 1 (APA1)
- suitability for professional laboratories

Final Examination: 

The internship evaluation is summative and certifying and different elements contribute.
The student is admitted to the internship exam if he is in possession of the CFU required for the year of the course and if he has reached at least sufficient (18/30), by calculating the weighted average of the following elements:
- three written tests aimed at assessing the acquisition of disciplinary skills and professional judgment skills acquired
- a written paper
- at least one clinical internship evaluation form for each internship experience signed by a pedagogical tutor and / or an ATUO
- two internship exam sessions scheduled by 15 October.
The final evaluation will be expressed out of thirty.

Voto Finale

The purpose of the 2nd year internship is the acquisition of the professional skills of the general nursing care nurse, in particular with regard to the methods and tools of the Nursing Sciences, to promote health and well-being, prevent disease, promote the healing process and alleviate suffering towards individuals, families and the community.
More precisely, the professionalizing training activity allows the student to:
1. continue the development of a professional identity by dealing with the different role models;
2. establish the professional relationship, respecting the principles and values of the person and the professional, referring in particular to the ethical concepts of accountability, advocacy, caring and cooperation;
3. identify opportunities for promoting the health and well-being of people, ensuring safety and promoting autonomy in medium-complexity care situations;
4. exercise responsibility for their professional activities within the skills acquired;
5. making decisions and solving care problems through clinical reasoning;
6. use different relational approaches to establish a helping relationship with the assisted person.

At the end of the professional internship of the second year of the course, the student will be able to:
1. draw up a nursing care plan that includes the initial assessment of the assisted person, the identification of diagnosis / nursing care needs and the most frequent objectives / outcomes with respect to priority health problems;
2. perform nursing interventions in compliance with guidelines and protocols;
3. correctly use the health and nursing documentation used in the internship centers;
4. contribute to clinical risk management to create and maintain a safe environment;
5. describe and respect the different levels of responsibility and competence of healthcare and technical personnel;
6. apply the main procedures to ensure the right to privacy and confidentiality of health and assistance information

The internship contents of the second year are represented by experiences aimed at learning the skills necessary for assistance of medium complexity. The second year internship is divided into "Preparatory internship", "Internship in real situations" and "Clinical internship".
The internship called "preparatory" consists of guided exercises aimed at acquiring technical skills for the execution and management of the following procedures:
- bladder catheter positioning and management, nasogastric tube positioning and management, peripheral venous catheter positioning, oral, intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous therapy administration, performing blood culture and arterial blood gas analysis, performing tracheo-aspiration, positioning of C -PAP, treatment of pressure injuries and complex dressings, management of colon - urostomies, execution of the compression bandage and mobilization of the person undergoing total hip replacement surgery.
The internship called "in real situations" consists of guided exercises and observational activities within care settings aimed at acquiring skills for the management of:
- central venous catheters and other medical surgical devices
- vaccinations
- objective examination for the evaluation of the patient in the organizational unit or at home.
The internship called "clinical" consists of prolonged experiences in a clinical setting and is aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of the following contents:
- procedures acquired in the preparatory internship
- care planning for people assisted in different contexts and of medium complexity.

Hinkle J.L., Cheever K.H. (2017) Brunner-Suddarth Infermieristica medico-chirurgica. 5°edizione italiana della 13°americana, I volume. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Hogan-Quigley B., Palm M. L., Bickley L. (2017) Bates. Valutazione per l’assistenza infermieristica. Esame fisico e storia della persona assistita. Rozzano: Casa editrice ambrosiana.

Exercises and simulations in classrooms equipped with low / medium fidelity simulators.
Use of platforms that allow to simulate care procedures, physical examination and clinical reasoning.
Attendance of organizational units and / or other contexts of low-medium complexity assistance with support to internship assistants of operating units (ATUO) and / or pedagogical tutors
Remote internship activities: case reverse study, critical reading of Evidence Based Practice documents, debriefing, narration and discussion of clinical cases to support nursing care planning and to support the development of critical thinking and relational skills.

For appointments or requests for information, the Coordinator of the Degree Course in Nursing in Como can be contacted by e-mail at: or the coordinator of the second year of the course at: valentina.
