Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

It is required to pass the preparatory course in Clinical Nursing

Final Examination: 

The evaluation includes a written and oral test
Students will be admitted to the oral exam only if they pass the written test with a minimum score of 18/30.
The written test will consist of a test consisting of 3 parts divided as follows: 20 multiple choice questions, 5 open questions relating to definitions or descriptions, a clinical case to be addressed in another 5 open questions; sufficiency must be reached for each part and the sum of the three marks will constitute the average of the test. The writing will be evaluated immediately after the end of the test, followed by the oral examination of the candidates in the agreed order. In the oral exam, the teacher will evaluate, in addition to knowledge, also the use of an appropriate scientific language and the critical capacity deployed in dealing with the clinical cases proposed.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide the student with the tools necessary to plan nursing care, to alleviate suffering and protect the safety of patients undergoing general surgery or suffering from major diseases.
The teaching is configured as an Integrated Course organized in two modules:
1. Applied Clinical Nursing 1: 2 Cfu
2. Applied Clinical Nursing 2: 5 Cfu

At the end of the course, the student will know:
1. Identify the most frequent nursing diagnoses in care situations with the highest incidence and prevalence in the area, as identified by the national health plan.
2. Develop a nursing care plan for a person undergoing surgery using ICNP® terminology
3. Define outcomes and implement nursing interventions in health care situations of greatest incidence and which take into account standards, evidence of efficacy and best practice guidelines
4. Document and evaluate the various phases and results of the entire care process.
5. Identify the most frequent diagnoses in health care situations with the highest incidence and prevalence in the area, as identified by the National Health Plan.