
Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
A foreign language, final examination
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

A pre-intermediate level is recommended (A2/B1).

Final Examination: 

A final written test at the end of the course will evaluate the ability of the student to understand a scientific text and to use the language in specific situations. The test will be approved or not approved by the teacher, but does not require an evaluation expressed in thirtieths.

Giudizio Finale

The course will provide a review of the intermediate grammar of English, introducing also parts of advanced grammar to manage basic concepts of Academic English for science.
During the lessons, the students will deal with the topics proposed by the adopted manual, that will be used to develop the communication skills in spoken and written English, to understand and elaborate specialized texts, to consult databases, web-based content and bibliographic material. The students will also be asked to interact on topics such as lab safety, ethics, social-economic and environmental issues, as well as data evaluation. The students will focus on articles about biology in the scientific and professional field, in order to improve the vocabulary and structures’ learning, as well as to develop the communication skills, working in small groups.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand a scientific article, from an international magazine, and will develop the ability to communicate their results in English.

The lessons will be articulated in two modules: the first will be focused on English grammar (about 40% of the total hours), while the second on the usage of scientific English (about 60% of the total hours). The first module will provide the student the basic means to comprehend and communicate in both written and spoken English. The second module will focus on scientific vocabulary and on morpho-syntactic structures of academic scientific English.

Text book: Richards, G. and J. Willis (2015), English for Biological Sciences, Reading, Garnet Education.

10 articles - academic language - will be made available to students.

Suggested grammar book:
Minardi, Jones, GO LIVE. De Agostini.


- interactive lessons
- so as to enhance receptive skills
a) reading and understanding articles of Academic English for Science with a linguistic analysis of the text
b) listening and understanding materials about scientific topics
- grammar practice
- vocabulary practice

Available on Skype,
appointment by email (silvia.minardi@uninsubria.it)
