Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

there are no requirements

Final Examination: 

Anthropology:Verification is based on a quiz evidence based on 30 questions related to the parts of the program, the final vote is expressed in thirty.
General psychology: oral exam

Voto Finale

Anthropology: Prepare the student to understand the “other” for a better approach in a multiethnic society. The topics are useful to understand that in all people there are differences but also characteristics who are the same in all populations.
Psychology: Reach knowledge of psychological basis useful to gain clinical and relational skills needed in nursery work.

Anthropology: History of cultural anthropology - Ambits and aims - Concept of culture - Communication and language - Sex, gender e culture – incest - Marriage, family, kinship - Psychology and culture - Religion –Anthropology of medicine
General Psychology: Aims and definitions; perception; cognitive functions; motivations; emotions; memory; personality; language and communication; stress and coping

Anthropology:History of cultural anthropology - Ambits and aims - Concept of culture - Communication and language - Sex, gender e culture – incest - Marriage, family, kinship - Psychology and culture - Religion –Anthropology of medicine
Psychology: definition, aims, origins, methods and orientations; Psychology in sanitary operator learning
Sensations, perception and attention.Feel the world around us; sight; vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Fisical and perceptual realitySensing the World Around Us. Learning ;Classical Conditioning ;Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Approaches to Learning. Memory : The Foundations of Memory
Recalling Long-Term Memories Forgetting: When Memory Fails
Cognition and Language Thinking and Reasoning ;Problem Solving
Language . Intelligence :What Is Intelligence? Variations in Intellectual Ability
Motivation and Emotion :Explaining Motivation; Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring
Understanding Emotional Experiences . Development
Nature and Nurture: The Enduring Developmental Issue. Personality
Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality Trait, Learning, Biological, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality
Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive
Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being

Anthropology:C.R. Ember, M. Ember, Antropologia culturale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
Robert S. Feldman,Guido Amoretti, Maria Rita Ciceri
Psicologia Generale 3 ed
McGrawHill Education- 2017

The training objectives of the course will be achieved through frontal lessons for a total of 46 hours

Each teacher has his/her own email address.
Reception Hours:for more information and individual consultation in “Padiglione Antonini”, via Rossi 9, Varese, the student is invited to preliminarily contact the Professor at his/her email address.


  • Credits: 1
    Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • Credits: 2
    Place of teaching: Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria