Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (75 hours)

Passing General nursing 1 exam

Final Examination: 

Written test and oral exam.

Voto Finale

Complete achievement of General nursing 1 main aims, already expected during the first trimester and
contents for starting to recognize and answer to Nursing Needs.
Particularly students have to be able to:
• Make an assessment of general health state using available tools and means like observation, interview, health history, scales and indexes
• Site nursing assessment in the whole nursing care process, starting from the analysis of the state of Human processes to work out a nursing plan
• Learn the process of clinical reasoning to identify ICNP® nursing diagnosis
• Identify nursing outcomes and intervention according to single person needs and what learned in the first year corse.

- Assessment in nursing care process
- Subjective and objective data. Nursing scale, and nursing screening tools.
- Observation and physical examination for nursing assessment
- Using structured and semi structured interview in nursing assessment
- Physiological data on Human needs of special interest for nurses; signs and symptoms of altered human processes or human processes at risk of alteration. Considering four main groups of human processes: bio physiological processes, safety and protection processes, development and adaptation processes and learning processes.
- Scales and indexes of common use.
- Human processes involved in specific needs of special interest for nurses:
o Need of special interest for nurses of movement
o Need of special interest for nurses of relationship (Measuring pain)
o Need of special interest for nurses of hygiene
o Need of special interest for nurses of feeding and hydrating
o Need of special interest for nurses of sleep and rest
o Need of special interest for nurses of breathing
o Need of special interest for nurses of blood circulation
o Need of special interest for nurses of bowel elimination
o Need of special interest for nurses of urine elimination
- Recall on seven safety “S” and safety communication with SBAR technique
- Identification of some nursing diagnosis: risk of infection, risk of fall, risk of wound
- Examples on nursing plan oriented by MAPU and ICNP®

Artioli G., Copelli P., Foà C., La Sala R. (2016) Valutazione infermieristica della persona assistita. Milano: Poletto Editore.

Ausili D., Baccin G., Bezze S., Di Mauro S., Sironi C. (2015) L’impiego dell’ICNP® con il Modello assistenziale dei processi umani: un quadro teorico per l’assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità. Published by CNAI (; ISBN 978-88-940757-0-0) printed by Lulu (

Craven R., Hirnle C., Jensen S. (2013) Principi fondamentali dell’assistenza infermieristica. 5° edizione. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

Santullo A. (2009) Le scale di valutazione in sanità. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Hinkle J.L., Cheever K.H. (2016) Brunner-Suddarth Infermieristica medico-chirurgica. Fifth Italian edition of the American thirteenth , I volume. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Lectures, tutorials and case studies.

