Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 

No specific requirement is necessary.

The exam is oral. At the end of the lessons, there will be a pre-exam which will be followed immediately by the correction (formative assessment). The written test, with questions of different kinds (multiple choice, definitions, correspondences, complete and other types) will be on the topics covered until 16 January 2020. Students who pass the written test will have an oral interview that will start from a research article chosen by them (Critical Appraisal) and another possible question.
Those who have an insufficient evaluation of the pre-exam test will bring the entire program of the research course for a more in-depth oral exam in addition to the research article.

Voto Finale

1. To learn the basic tools to identify specific problems and/or research areas of nursing interest in clinical experience.
2. To select, according to the topic you intend to study, the most specific and authoritative national and international sources and journals.
3. To find, select, read and evaluate relevant literature to make decisions and answer questions arising from nursing care and clinical practice.
4. To distinguishing research articles and research reports from quantitative studies from those using a qualitative or mixed approach.
5. To identify, in scientific articles, research process phases and, more precisely: topic and research problem; literature review; the approach chosen by the researcher and the theoretical framework of the study; the research question or hypothesis and/or objectives; research design, sampling strategy and the tools used for data collection; limitations of the study; the results obtained and the implications for professional practice.
6. To critically evaluate literature reviews/knowledge synthesis, in order to distinguish their characteristics and to identify their typology.
7. To know the Evidence-Based Practice method, included in the broader topic of Clinical Governance, in order to finalize it to improve the quality of nursing care.

1. Nursing research development in Italy and abroad.
1.1 Nursing research in legislation and levels of education for research.
1.2 “The big picture” of clinical governance and clinical audit.
1.3 Notes on Evidence Based Practice methodology.
2. Research, nursing research and research methodology.
2.1 The continuum of quali and quantitative research: state of the art in the Italian and foreign nursing discipline.
2.2 The language of research.
2.3 Approaches, types of study and research designs: the types of research mainly used by nurses.
2.4 The research process.
2.5 Knowledge Synthesis typologies: clarifications on the terminology and, in particular, Literature Review, Scoping Review and Systematic Review.
2.6 The typical structure of an article or Research Report and some criteria for evaluating the quality of a research conducted with a quantitative approach.
2.7 Dissemination of results: presentation of posters and oral presentations; suggestions for writing a scientific article.

Adopted book:

Sironi C. (a cura di) (2010) Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica: i fondamenti teorici e gli elementi di base per comprenderla nella realtà italiana. Milano: Casa editrice ambrosiana.

- Scientific articles used/suggested by the teacher during lectures.

Integrative references:

AACN – American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Task Force on the Revision of the Research Position Statement (2006) AACN position Statement on Nursing Research. Reperibile in, scaricato il 24 settembre 2019.

Benner P. (2003) L’eccellenza nella pratica clinica dell’infermiere. L’apprendimento basato sull’esperienza. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Cantarelli M. (2006) Gli infermieri nella ricerca. Metodologia della ricerca sociale applicata all’infermieristica. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Carillo G. (a cura di) (2002) Ricerca infermieristica: sfida di ieri, necessità di oggi. Atti del Convegno nazionale della Consociazione nazionale delle Associazioni Infermiere/i, Roma 18-20 ottobre 2001. Aqui Terme: Impressioni Grafiche SCS arl.

Chiari P., Mosci D., Naldi E., Centro Studi EBN (2011) Evidence-based Clinical Practice. La pratica clinico-assistenziale basata su prove di efficacia (1° ed. 2006: L’infermieristica basata su prove di efficacia.). Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Consiglio d’Europa – European Health Committee (1998) Ricerca infermieristica. Rapporto e raccomandazioni. Professioni infermieristiche, 51(1): 25-40.

Fain J.A. (2004) La ricerca infermieristica. Leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Hamer S., Collinson G. (2002) Evidence-based Practice: assistenza basata su prove di efficacia. Milano: Mc-Graw Hill.

ICN - Consiglio internazionale delle infermiere (1996) Migliorare la salute delle persone attraverso la ricerca infermieristica. Professioni infermieristiche, 49(2): 25-43.

Jefferson T. (2008) Attenti alle bufale . e ai mandriani. Roma: Il pensiero scientifico.

Jefferson T. (2015) L’ABC delle revisioni sistematiche. Roma: Il pensiero scientifico.

LoBiondo-Wood G., Haber J. (2004) Metodologia della ricerca infermieristica. 2° edizione, Milano: McGraw-Hill. Potete eventualmente utilizzare anche la 1° edizione italiana del 1997 (sull’edizione americana del 1994).

Polit D.F., Tatano Beck C. (2014) Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

Sasso L., Bagnasco A., Ghirotto L. (2015) La ricerca qualitativa. Una risorsa per i professionisti della salute. Milano: Edra.

Sironi C. (2002) Formazione e ricerca infermieristica. In G. Carillo (a cura di) Ricerca infermieristica: sfida di ieri, necessità di oggi. Atti del Convegno nazionale della Consociazione nazionale delle Associazioni Infermiere/i,Roma 18-20 ottobre 2001. Aqui Terme: Impressioni Grafiche S.C.S.a.r.l., pp. 73-83.

Sironi C. (2008) Alcuni spunti per la formazione infermieristica in Italia. Pubblicato in proprio Copyright © by Cecilia Sironi, ID: 2493174; reperibile in

Sironi C., Baccin G. (2006) Procedure infermieristiche nell’epoca delle prove di efficacia. In C. Sironi, G. Baccin (a cura di) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Masson, 1-12.

Vellone E., Piredda M. (2009) La ricerca bibliografica. Strumenti e metodi per trovare e utilizzare la letteratura sanitaria, 2° edizione. Milano: McGraw-Hill.

WENR - Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers (2002) Raccomandazioni su: la ricerca infermieristica in Europa. Professioni infermieristiche, 55(4): 250-254. Vedi altre informazioni reperibili in Professioni infermieristiche. I link non sono più attivi, ma per la storia:; ultimo accesso 20 agosto 2019.

Participatory lectures and guided discussions of scientific articles with continuous links with other teaching activities of the three-year course.

The teacher will receive students upon appointment via e-mail.
