Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

Basic knowledge of calculus.

The exam will be held during the breaks between the terms, namely at the end of the first term and at the end of the second one. The exam will be a written test and it will consist of 3 exercises and 3 theoretical questions. The exam will last two hours and a half. At the end of the first term students can take the partial test concerning Physics part A. At the end of the second term, students who have passed the first partial test can take the last part of the exam, concerning Physics part B.
Students who failed one partial test can repeat the exam or they can choose to take one single test, concerning both the parts of the course. In this last case, the exam will last 3 hours. The single test will consist of 4 exercises and 4 theoretical questions, 2 for each part of the Course. The single test is considered passed only if both parts are sufficient.
The final mark is the average between those of the two tests.
There will be no oral examinations.

Voto Finale

The course of Physics consists of two parts. The first one, concerning Mechanics and Fluids, is taught by Dr. Alessia Allevi, whereas the second one, concerning Electromagnetism, is taught by Dr. Romualdo Santoro. The lectures, in which the theoretical concepts of the course will be taught, will be supported by 40 hours of lessons devoted to exercises (20 hours for each part).

1. The main aim of the course of Physics is to ensure that the students learn the fundamental laws of classical Mechanics (Descriptor of Dublin: Knowledge and understanding).
2. More generally, the course is aimed at helping the students to understand and learn the scientific method (Descriptor of Dublin: Applying knowledge and understanding).
3. In particular, it is required that the students learn how to independently analyze, address and solve the Physics problems that will be proposed within the course (Descriptors of Dublin: Making judgements and Learning skills).

Basic tools (3 hours)
The concept of measurement in Physics. Vector calculus. Scalar product and vector product.

1-D particle Kinematics (7 hours)
Speed, velocity and acceleration. Motion along a straight line. Motion in 2 and 3 dimensions. Projectile motion and circular motion. Relative kinematics.

1-D particle Dynamics (8 hours)
The principle of inertia. Newton’s laws. Friction forces. Harmonic motions. Small oscillations. Fictitious forces.

Conservation laws (11 hours)
Work and energy. Conservative forces. Impulse and linear momentum. Angular momentum and torque. Center of mass for a system of particles. Newton’s laws for a system of particles. Elastic and inelastic collisions.

Mechanics of rigid body (10 hours)
Moment of inertia. Rotation of a rigid body. General motion of a rigid body. Statics of rigid bodies.

Gravitation (3 hours)
Universal gravitation law. Kepler’s laws.

Fluid mechanics (3 hours)
Pressure. Fluid statics. Fluid dynamics.


The topics presented within the Course can be found on the e-learning platform. On the same platform you can also find some solved exercises and the past exams (including solutions).

The suggested text is:
D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Wiley.
The text is available in 1 volume, but it can be also found in two volumes.

The lectures, in which the theoretical concepts of the course will be taught, will be supported by some lessons (roughly 20 hours) devoted to exercises.

For further information, please send an e-mail to:

Parent course