Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

The Environmental Criminal Law course is a complement to the criminal law preparation: therefore, the student is required to master the notions learnt from the Criminal Law course.

Learning will be tested by means of an oral examination covering the syllabus with a grade awarded in thirtieths.
The examination, which lasts approximately 30 minutes, is conducted according to the inverted cone mode: a general open question, followed by some more specific open questions to encourage further in-depth analysis.
In particular, the following will be assessed: the ability to refer to the syllabus contents appropriately to the specificities of the subject and according to correct logical-systematic canons; the ability to interpret the criminal law provisions and jurisprudential decisions examined; argumentative and problem-solving skills; communicative-relational ability and mastery in the use of technical-legal terminology. The awarding of marks will take into account not only the correctness of the answers, but also the possession of the so-called "generalist skills" (ability to read critically, analytical reasoning, problem-solving, technique and effectiveness of expression).
From a logistical and organisational point of view, the examinations will be held in accordance with the University's Covid emergency regulations.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide students with a method of analysing and interpreting environmental criminal law, through which they can approach the complexity - social and, consequently, politico-criminal - of the problems that characterise this sector of the so-called 'special part' of criminal law from a critical perspective. To this end, a multidisciplinary approach will be adopted.
First of all, the subject will be framed from a criminological point of view, following the perspective of the so-called Green Criminology, which - also through the study of leading cases - allows a complete focus on the criminal dynamics and the instances of protection (individual and collective) underlying environmental offences.
Secondly, a juridical analysis of the subject will be carried out, not only providing a systematic framework of the regulations in force (as defined in the Criminal Code and in the complementary criminal legislation), but also highlighting the influence and correlation relationships existing in the Italian legal system between environmental criminal law, constitutional provisions, secondary legislation and - last but not least - international legislation.
In particular, on the constitutional level, the evaluations at the basis of the so-called criminal protection “worthiness" of the environment will be reconstructed starting from the notion of this good, as recently defined thanks to Constitutional Law no. 1/2022 amending Articles 9 and 41 of the Italian Constitution.
At the international level, the main reference point will be the legislation of the European Union (starting with directive 2008/99/EC on the criminal protection of the environment), as well as the acts adopted within the Council of Europe and, in particular, within the framework of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The discipline defined by the United Nations Organisation (UN) will also be taken into consideration for the relevant aspects from a criminal law perspective. Given the relevance of the topic, particular attention will be devoted to the international criminal-political debate on the possible introduction of the crime of so-called “ecocide”.
Finally, the issues related to the criminal protection of the environment will be examined from the point of view of Environmental Restorative Justice, a relatively recent branch of the broad subject of Restorative Justice, committed to declining the tools of Restorative Justice with reference to the management of inter-individual and collective conflicts related to offences against the environment.
Consistent with the degree course's learning outcomes, at the end of the teaching the student is expected to (a) have mastered the criminology proper to crimes against the environment; (b) know and be able to argue the nature of the environment as a criminally relevant legal asset; (c) know, be able to interpret and apply crimes relevant to the environmental sector, linking them systematically to the principles and institutes of the general part of criminal law (d) be able to refer and discuss criminal case-law cases with regard to environmental matters; (e) be familiar with the sanctioning alternatives in the field of environmental punitive law in synergy with the tools made available by Restorative Justice; (f) make appropriate use of the legal-penal law language and be able to construct legal arguments: that is to say, the student must be able to independently assess relevant normative and/or jurisprudential data and proceed to a critical reading of the same in the light of the founding principles of the subject and the relevant categories in the political-criminal debate.

Favouring a criminological approach, the course examines the criminal law system designed to protect environmental assets with a 'problems and cases' approach.
In particular, the following topics will be examined in depth:
- Green Criminology: the phenomenon of environmental crime from the perspective of the perpetrators, victims and communities affected by environmental offences;
- The different conceptions of "environment" as a good deserving protection: the anthropocentric, ecocentric and ecocentric-moderate conceptions;
- The environment in the Italian Constitution: from the protection reconstructed by the jurisprudential formant to the reform carried out by Constitutional law n. 1/2022;
- The so-called “Eco-delicts” (Book II, Title VI bis, Articles 452 bis - 452 quaterdecies of the Italian Criminal Code) with an in-depth study of the main Italian leading cases in the field of environmental disasters (the "Seveso case", the "Porto Marghera case", the "Ilva case");
- The Legislative Decree 152/2006 (Consolidated Environmental Act - TUA): outlines of the criminal protection of water, air and waste with specific in-depth study of the phenomenon of the so-called "ecomafias";
- The relevance of restorative conduct in the environmental field: the system of extinction of environmental contraventions introduced by l. 68/2015;
- The remediation of polluted sites;
- The International Environmental Criminal Law: the regulatory framework and the proposals for the introduction of an international crime of ecocide;
- Environmental Restorative Justice: the potential of restorative justice tools in the management and resolution of environmental conflicts.


The course takes place in the second semester and includes 50 lecture hours all together.
The teaching is delivered through lectures, during which the theoretical presentation of the programme contents is integrated with the analysis of relevant regulatory provisions, the discussion of leading cases, and the resolution of practical cases.
Discussions and practice sessions with the lecturers are scheduled during class time, as well as through the use of the e-learning platform, where the topics and the main materials to be covered will be communicated and made available; this is in order to promote the acquisition and consolidation of communication-relational and problem-solving skills by the students.
Lessons will be held in accordance with the University's Covid emergency management provisions.

During the lecture period, office hours will take place at the end of the lecture or, by appointment by e-mail with one of the lecturers, via the Teams platform on a date and time to be agreed.
At the end of the lecture period, office hours will continue via Teams, again by appointment to be agreed by e-mail.
In any case, office hours are always guaranteed at least once a week.
To schedule office hours and for information requests or doubts, lecturers are always available by e-mail. With regard to Prof. Chiara Perini, the address is: chiara.perini@uninsubria.it
