- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The examination consists of ascertaining the expected knowledge through the integration of two tests:
- an oral evaluation to verify the basic and advanced knowledge through an interview that focuses on the texts in the bibliography and the collection of lessons available on the platform (60%)
- the project work to be carried out also in subgroups (maximum 4 people) to examine the project competences, the PW has to be delivered before the exam appeal (40%)
The final evaluation will be a summary of the results of the two tests through an average that will become the final grade of the course.
During the lessons the online space will be available on the platform as a support environment, exchange of materials and space for discussion to solve doubts. In this space, it is foreseen the possibility to carry out a monitoring of the learning through short general questions.
The course is part of the disciplinary field of Communication Sciences applied in the professional context for the development and training of human resources (People Strategy). A learning path will be proposed to identify approaches and models of training for adults, particularly in work contexts. The trainees will have the opportunity to experience the implementation of a training project aimed at staff in the workplace. The expected goals include the deepening of the role of the trainer with its disciplinary specificities in order to understand the complexity of the role and the necessary skills.
A. to know the founding elements of education and in particular of adult education understood as the science of learning
B. understand the different currents related to adult learning in work contexts;
C. to know and apply a glossary consistent with the disciplinary field of education in the work context;
D. apply the basic models of instructional design in relation to the stages of professional development;
E. designing a training course with regard to an identified target group
F. set up a field survey to identify the training needs of human resources
G. understand an organization's People Strategy and how to implement it in the company
The course initially focuses on the transformation of the world of labour, its meaning for the person and its social and organisational implications.
Subsequently, the theories of some authors who have defined the basic elements of a theory of adult learning in working contexts (Workplace Learning Studies) will be discussed, in particular we will refer to Wenger, Knowles, Kolb, Mezirow, Quaglino, Engestrom.
Particular attention will be paid to some models of design of training interventions related to the implementation of a People Strategy, including the use of new technologies. In the second part of the course some case study exercises will be proposed.
Finally, the role of the trainer will be analyzed starting from some experiences and testimonies through readings of autobiographies and direct testimonies.
The course will present some continuous education practices that have emerged from recent research, including Continuing Professional Development, and. Action Learning, Change Laboratory, Visual Learning, Knowledge Management.
A collection of the lessons available on the page in e.Learning.
Bochicchio F., Rivoltella P.C., L’agire organizzativo. Manuale per professionisti della formazione, ELS La Scuola, Brescia. 2017 (Prima parte -Elementi e Terza parte - Metodi e tecniche)
Bonometti S., Lavorando s’impara. Riflessioni didattiche sulla formazione esperienziale, PensaMultimedia, Lecce, 2013.
Castoldi M., Costruire Unità di apprendimento. Guida alla progettazione a ritroso, Carocci, Roma, 2017
The learning process will be characterized by a stimulus moment referred to a concrete experience in the context of the work, to stimulate reflection and comparison. This stimulus will be linked to the central concepts of the lesson that will be presented through schemes and an interactive dialogue with the students, so an active participation is expected. In addition, film sequences will be used as a support for a more specific understanding of skills and concepts. Finally, participants will be asked to produce a project work that provides for the implementation of a training plan aimed at a specific target group in a context chosen by the students. This PW will have an evaluation.
The professor receives the students on Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. He asks to anticipate by e-mail: