Publishing and communication styles

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

1. a general culture acquired within a five-year high school course;
2. a generic interest in culture and communication in publishing, in its various social manifestations. It is useful and desirable that the students concerned have a good relationship with the reading and understanding of various texts, even outside of the course.

Final Examination: 

Learning will be verified by an oral test. The oral exam consists of a presentation of the topics covered within the course and aims to ascertain the candidate's preparation on the texts in question and its ability to give it a critical interpretation. Will be evaluated:
• lexical correctness of the exhibition (5 points);
• the correctness of the conceptual analysis of the texts (10 points);
• the acquisition of an effective learning methodology (5 points);
• the critical ability and autonomy of the student (10 points).

Voto Finale

The course aims at developing some basic skills as well as some insights into specific aspects related to the following points:
1. The representation of the world throughout the various epochs of history, working up some fundamental questions about the relationship between man and the earth;
2. Understanding how human civilizations have constituted and developed themselves, and how they are implanted in relation to the use of the territory, also focusing on the context in which they are operating;
3. Understanding and interpreting some historical perspectives in the context of the encounter / conflict among cultures.

The technique of learning includes the exposition and interpretation of a series of interdisciplinary texts belonging to the philosophical, historical, sociological, and anthropological thinking. These works will be the basis for activating a good comprehension of the processes of building the image of the world, in the sphere of arts and literature, but also in the construction of a social identity by the protagonists of knowledge in Western culture. Specifically, students will have to demonstrate that they are able to critically analyze and interpret the texts in the light of what they have learned attending the entire class. The following highlights will be evaluated:
1. The ability to use specific languages connected with the problem of survival and / or extinction;
2. The methods of relationship and the interdisciplinary dimension of knowledge;
3. The relationship between the aesthetic dimension and the formation of individual and social subjectivity at the same time.

The course is developed according to five teaching and training lines that include:
1. History and meaning of the concept of publishing and editorial production, from the invention of writing to the present time;
2. the author's question, that is, what can be edited and what are the producers of what will then be printed;
3. editorial production, or how a publishing house works, what are the professional figures involved in the production process of the book, what are the main types of publishing houses that compete on the market;
4. a description of the publishing market, from traditional libraries to on-line libraries, to alternative venues, cultural and social centers, museums, etc., to the distribution of newspapers, newsstands and shopping malls;
5. The impact of new IT and digital technologies on traditional library production, with the emergence of a new form of non-paper publishing, ebook, epub, multimedia book, and so on.

AA. VV., Piccola storia dell'editoria, Modern Publishing House, Milano 2007.
G. Vigini, A. Cadioli, Storia dell’editoria italiana dall’Unità ad oggi, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2012.
AA. VV. (a cura di R. Polese), Fare libri. Come cambia il mestiere dell'editore, Almanacco Guanda, Milano-Parma 2012.


The activities will be carried out through frontal lessons, in which the lecturer will explain the contents of the course asking for the interactive participation of the students through interventions, questions and reflections, in a tight dialectical comparison between professor and student.

Office hours
By appointment with E-mail ( or telephone contact (cell 347 4254976).