Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours), Exercise (30 hours)


Written examination: a student should pass each of the following parts (total score: 100) with an average > 60%.

- cloze test (30/30)
- writing (20/20): short text without the use of a dictionary;
- listening comprehension, multiple choice test (10/10);
- reading comprehension, multiple choice test (10/10;
- translation (30/30) from Italian into Spanish (the use of vocabularies, dictionaries and thesauruses is allowed).

Students who already have a B1 DELE can convalidate the first four parts of the exam, but they have to pass the translation test, which substitutes the 30 points awarded for the oral test in DELE. The oral examination remains the same as for the remaining students.

The oral examination consists in a conversation with the course convener on the books of the reading list and on the exercises available on the e-learning platform. In order to achieve the B 1.1 level, students are advised to carry out some individual work, also resorting to the reference textbooks (grammars and dictionaries) listed in the reading list. During the test students must be able to answer theoretical questions on grammar and translation topics and to show their communication skills by making a summary or comparing two chapters of the books included in the reading list.

Written examination: students have the possibility to take two midterm exams. Students who pass midterms and complete continuous assessment can proceed directly the final oral examination.

For further details and information (timetable, office hour, etc.) regularly check the e-learning platform on the university website.

Voto Finale

Spanish Language 1 is a yearly course (two semesters). It consists of 90 hours of lectures and 90 hours of practice (45+45 for each semester). A first-year core module, it aims to provide students with a sound basic knowledge of written and oral Spanish in order to achieve CEFR (Common European Frame of Reference) B 1.1 of the Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes:

1. Partes del discurso: el verbo II: futuro de indicativo, simple y compuesto, regular e irregular. Morfología y usos. Perífrasis de infinitivo, gerundio y participio (according to the CEFR, B 1.1). Imperativo, regular e irregular
2. Presente de subjuntivo. Morfología y usos. Condicional simple y compuesto: morfología y usos
3. Partes del discurso: preposiciones y locuciones prepositivas
4. Marcadores y conectores del discurso
5. Sintaxis de las oraciones subordinadas: comparativas; causales; finales; adjetivas; sustantivas; condicionales

Textbooks for in-class language practice:

- ARAGONÉS Luis (2009): Gramática de uso del español para extranjeros 1, Milano, Hoepli
- AA.VV (2011): Vía Rápida (A1/A2/B1) Libro del alumno, Barcelona, Difusión (ISBN: 9788484436553)
- AA.VV (2011): Vía Rápida (A1/A2/B1) Cuaderno de ejercicios, Barcelona, Difusión (ISBN: 9788484436560)

- AA.VV. (2006): Gramática básica del estudiante de español, Madrid, Difusión

Textbooks for the oral examination: during the first semester students will read the texts available on the e-learning platform. Fort he oral test at the end of the second semester, students will find a list of short novels, short story anthologies and poems on the e-learning platform. Each student will select two of these texts to be discussed during the oral test with the professor.

Reference grammars:

- AA.VV. (2006): Gramática básica del estudiante de español, Madrid, Difusión
- AA.VV. (2008): Pronombres personales, Ed. Difusión, Barcelona, 2008
- ARAGONÉS Luis (2009): Gramática de uso del español para extranjeros 1, Milano, Hoepli
- CARRERA DÍAZ, Manuel (1997): Grammatica spagnola, Laterza, Bari
- GÓMEZ TORREGO, Leonardo (2009): Gramática didáctica del español, S.M., Madrid
- LOZANO ZAHONERO María (2010): Gramática de referencia de la lengua española, Milano, Hoepli


- AA.VV. (2006): Clave. Diccionario de uso de español actual, Madrid, SM
- AA.VV. (1996): Diccionario Salamanca de la lengua española, Madrid, Santillana

- AA.VV. (2007): Dizionario Medio Spagnolo, Milano, Garzanti
- AA.VV (2005): Espasa Paravia. Il dizionario Spagnolo Italiano, Italiano Spagnolo, Torino, Paravia

Lectures will focus on both theoretical and practical issues, in order to improve skills related to reading, translating (from Spanish into Italian and from Italian into Spanish) and textual analysis.

Each semester, 45 hours will be devoted to lectures delivered by the course convener and further 45 (3 per week) to language practice. Language practice is a fundamental part of the module and attendance is highly recommended. Slides, summaries, exercises and other materials to be used in-class and for home exercise (together with keys) are available on the e-learning platform.

In order to be considered “attending student” (frequentante) a student must complete at least 60% of the exercises made available on the e-learning platform and of the writing assignments, translations and oral presentations that are part of the continuous assessment. Students who do not meet these requirements are considered “non-attending” (non frequentante).

The final mark for attending students will keep into account their achievements in the continuous assessments, being an average of weekly tests, oral presentation and two writing assignments. Students who complete 60% of the assignments made available on the e-learning platform and who pass both midterm exams will not have to pass the final written examination and can directly proceed to the final oral examination.

Non-attending students must arrange a special syllabus with the course convener.

Parent course