Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in PHYSICS
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

- Basic knowledge of the English language
- programming bases
- maths bases as acquired during the bachelor degree

Final Examination: 

The final examination is an oral one; the student chooses a topic from a list of four and gives a lesson on the topic itself. During the examination the student is tested on all the topics in order to verify the skills he/she has acquired.

Voto Finale

- development in the student of the ability to understand and assemble complex electronics circuits, to perform measurements without perturbing the setup itself, to separate the different components of the circuit simulating the response before its assembly
- development in the student of the capability of assembling a complex circuit such as the readout chain of a detector and of analyzing its behaviour collecting data and simulating it with Spice
- development of the capability of working in a group

- analysis of the circuit response using the Laplace transform and the SPICE simulation
- bases of analog electronics: from diodes to transistors, from amplifiers to oscillators, from comparators to filters
- bases of the digital electronics: combinatorial circuits, data buses, sequential circuits; registers and counters; analog to digital conversion.
- introduction to programmable logic: circuits description with graphic diagrams and with the VHDL language. Simulation with Modelsim and implementation with FPGA-based development systems of combinatorial and sequential circuits. Introduction to interfacing with a PC, serial and parallel buses. Implementation of a simple protocol through USB to acquire real data (cosmic rays detector).
- the most important circuits are assembled in groups in the laboratory. The final phase in the lab requires the development of a complete readout chain (analog only or mixed analog-digital).


The following texts are used during the course:
- P. Horowitz, W. Hill, ISBN 0-521-37095-7
- J. Millman, ISBN 0-07-042327-X
- slides of the lessons and articles

The course is organized in:
- lessons
- laboratory activity in groups to assemble the most complex circuits, with simulations with Spice, data taking and analysis (comparing the results with the ones of the simulation). During lessons, all the fundamental circuits are simulated with Spice.

For questions/discussions, write an email to the teacher:
