Advanced Russian language 2 and translation
- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
In order to profitably attend classes and pass the examination at the end of the course, students should already have a knowledge of Russian language al least at level C1 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001).
Propedeuticity: Exam of Advanced Russian Language and Translation 1 - Lingua russa 1 avanzato e Traduzione (master degree, 2-nd level).
Learning will be verified through a final exam aimed at evaluating knowledge and language skills (Reading, Speaking, Writing), according to the norms developed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001.
The exam consists of a written test with different activities and an oral test. It is compulsory to take the written test before the oral exam.
The oral examination is subdivided into the theoretical part of the course and the part related to Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 2 e traduzione.
The aim of this course (Lingua russa avanzato 2 e traduzione) is to bring students who already have acquired morphosyntactic linguistic skills in Russian language to a level of competence comparable to C2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001).
In-depth study of Russian syntactic constructions at C1-C2 level.
In-depth study of Russian syntactic constructions, with particular reference to the syntax of the complex clause (concessive, temporal, modal, relative clauses and so on).
Consolidation of knowledge and use of Russian prepositions and verbal government.
Semantics and derivational properties of Russian verbal prefixes.
Expansion of vocabulary related to translation in legal contexts and intercultural mediation.
Part of course material is available in the course folder on the E-learning system.
Material for the presentation and practice of individual topics of the course will be drawn from the following texts:
Ivanova, I.S. et al. 2008. Sintaksis. SPb: Zlatoust.
Arkad’eva, V. et al. 2006. Kogda Ne Pomogajut Slovari. Praktikum Po Leksike Sovremennogo Russkogo Jazyka V 2 Chastjah Chast- 1. Moskva: Flinta.
Law Laboratory
Kotane, L. 2016. Russian for business. SPb: Zlatoust.
Cadorin E., Kukushkina I. 2014. Il russo per l'azienda. Corrispondenza commerciale.
Documenti legali. Milano: Hoepli.
Mediation Laboratory
Rodimkina, A., Landsman, N. 2008. Rossija: den’ segodnjašnij. SPb: Zlatoust.
The course Lingua Russa avanzato 2 e traduzione runs throughout the academic year with 50 hours of frontal lessons (25 hours + 25 hours) of the theoretical course and with pratical sessions Laboratorio di Lingua Russa avanzato 2 e traduzione (throughout the academic year).
Both courses, Lingua russa avanzato 2 e traduzione and Laboratorio di Lingua russa avanzato 2 e traduzione are divided into two modules (Part 1: I term; Part 2: II term).
Regular and continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Not-attending students should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in order to agree a supplementary program.