Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Sant'Abbondio
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

There are no preparatory preparations.

It is advisable to have attended the courses of Institutions of private law and Constitutional law.

Verification of learning will take place through oral exam sessions.
Attending students will be able to participate, at their discretion, in any intermediate test,
the outcome of which will be taken into account, exclusively in bonam partem, during the final interview.

Voto Finale

The course is divided into two modules, the first, of a general and introductory nature, is aimed at deepening, with an interdisciplinary approach, the issues related to the intervention of the State in the market, as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, the second, of a special nature, deals with, above all through the analysis of positive law and Italian and EU jurisprudence, the logic of public evidence in the purchase and production of goods and services, with a careful eye on the recent emergency season.

I. General part
1. The theoretical reasons for public intervention in economic matters.
2. Complexity, interdependencies and common goods
3. The limits of the market
4. The limits of the public hand
II. Second part: Analysis of positive law
1. Community law, reform of the Constitution and protection of competition
2. Public enterprises and privatizations
3. Public services and liberalizations
4. Public procurement and concessions
5. An overview: runs and reruns of public intervention in the economy (from the unit to today)

To prepare for the exam, we recommend the study of the following texts.
Attending students
- selection of pages, according to the teacher's instructions, taken from Francesca Trimarchi Banfi, “Lezioni di diritto pubblico dell'economia”, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition;
- Any material distributed in class, according to the teacher's instructions.
Non-attending students
- Francesca Trimarchi Banfi, “Lezioni di diritto pubblico dell'economia”, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition.


The subject will be dealt with through the study and discussion of practical cases in the classroom, as well as
through the analysis and deepening of the theoretical categories.
a) attendance is an evaluation parameter in the final exam;
b) the program reserved for attending students is diversified and takes into account the hours of study completed a
c) attending students will be able to participate, at their discretion, in any intermediate test,
the outcome of which will be taken into account, exclusively in bonam partem, during the final interview.
e) students wishing to attend are invited to enroll in the appropriate list, which will come to them
made available at the beginning of the course
