Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

No specific prerequisites are needed.

As for part A, at the end of part B, the student will prepare a project on a topic related to the course. Each project will consist in an oral PowerPoint presentation in the form of a 45-60 minute lesson.
The exam will be oral, and it will consist in the presentation during the course of the projects chosen by the student.
At the end of part B, the final mark will be given in thirtieths (/30), and will consist in evaluating the quality and congruity of the projects, in the ability to present the lecture and discussing the theoretical and practical aspects.

Voto Finale

The second part, part B indicated as “Process analytical chemistry and automation” will be dedicated to the development and understanding of automation in chemical analysis, and to the chemical processes and the methodologies of process control and optimization. In this way, student will start understanding real problems in automation and the analytical control of chemical processes.

Part B. Process analytical chemistry and automation (32 hours)
- why automation in analytical chemistry : instrumental strategies (8h)
- Robotics in analytical chemistry (8h)
- process analytical chemistry - examples of basic chemistry (8h)
- introduction to industrial process control (PID, SCADA etc.) (8h)

o Teaching materials, PP presentations and application examples will be given to the students during the course. Selected materials will be available in e-learning site.
o Use of websites for electronics and process analytical chemistry
o Consultation of reference books and papers in the scientific literature, using SiBA.
o Use of textbooks, provided by the teacher in class.

As already stated in part A, there shall be a continuous interchange between teacher and students, in order to have a continuous perception of the learning state. The active role of student will be kept as a key aspect of the teaching process. The teaching approach will be always taken into account that students will have to apply the theoretical knowledge in the classroom into the workplace.
The course will take place in the classroom, with theoretical lectures, and with examples drawn also from experts in the field.

Part B will be given after part A.
The teacher can be contacted by email at any time, and he will be available to meet the students both in Como or in Varese
