Linear and non linear instrumental calibration methods (4 h). Statistical analysis of uncertainties related to instrumental determination (6 h). Theory and application of flame- and electrothermal- atomic absorption spectroscopy (6 h). Theory and application of plasma-based atomic emission spectroscopy (4 h). Mass spectrometry: sources, analyzers and detectors (10 h). Limits and applications of mass scpectrometry (2 h). Gas-chromatography: theory and applications (4 h). Hyphenated techniques: ICP-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS (12 h).
Instrumental analysis Principles - Holler, Skoog, Crouch - Cengage Learning, Inc.
Contemporary Instrumental Analysis– Rubinson, Rubinson – Prentice Hall College Div
The module will be taught during 48 h of lectures
Office hours by e-mail appointment: