GENERAL AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - General Chemistry module

Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)
Voto Finale

Atoms, molecules and ions (8 hours)
Elemental substances, mixtures and compounds. Dalton's atomic theory, laws of chemical combinations. Mendeleev's periodic table. Atoms, chemical elements and isotopes. The modern periodic table. Molecules, compounds and molecular formulas. Molecular mass, formula weight. Avogadro number and concept of mole. Nomenclature. Stoichiometry and mass balance in chemical reactions.
Constitution and properties of matter (12 hours)
Atomic structure and outline of quantum mechanics: photoelectric effect, De Broglie relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, introduction to the Schrödinger equation. Quantum numbers and atomic orbitals. Electronic structure and properties of atoms: Pauli's principle, Hund's rule and "aufbau prinzip". Periodic properties of the elements. Ionic, covalent and metallic bond. Symbols and structure by Lewis. Rule of the octet. Resonance. Molecular geometry according to VSEPR. Valence bond theory. Hybridization and steric number. Pauling electronegativity and molecule polarity. Interactions between molecules. Hydrogen bond. Weak intermolecular forces.
Physical State of Matter (5 hours)
Properties of gases. Ideal gas laws. Equation of state of ideal gases. Gas mixtures and partial pressures. Non ideal gases. Properties of liquids. State transition and phase equilibria. Vapor pressure. Surface tension. Viscosity. Qualitative description of water and carbon dioxide state diagrams. Dissolution process and types of solvents most commonly used. Principles of solubility. Raoult's and Henry’s law.
Chemical transformations in aqueous solution (8 hours)
Definitions of acids and bases according to Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, Lewis. Strong and weak electrolytes. Ionic product of water, pH, pOH, pKw. Strength of acids and bases. Degree of ionization. Polyprotic acids. Common ion effect. Reactions between acids and bases. pH calculation. Buffer solutions.
Control of chemical reactions (9 hours)
First law of thermodynamics. General concepts of thermochemistry and energy in chemical reactions. Enthalpy function and Hess law function. Enthalpy of formation, reaction and combustion. Second and third principle of thermodynamics: entropy state function and Gibbs free energy state function. Spontaneity of a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic description of the phase transition.
Chemical Kinetics. Speed of a chemical reaction. Reaction mechanism. Activation energy. Catalysis.
Chemical equilibrium. Law of mass action. Equilibrium constant. Principle of Le Châtelier's mobile equilibrium.
Electrochemistry (7 hours)
Redox reactions. Electrochemical cells. Standard reduction potentials. Free energy and E.M.F. Nernst equation. EMF and equilibrium constant.

Tro, “Chimica. Un approccio molecolare” Ed. EdiSES

Other material will be made available via e-learning when deemed necessary.

The course includes lectures (6 CFU) and numerical exercises carried out in the classroom
During the exercises the student will participate to the resolution of stoichiometry problems by understanding the problem, planning the solution and finally solving it. This is to promote the student's ability to evaluate reasonableness and to verify the consistency of the solution with the fundamental principles of Chemistry.

Reception time: upon appointment, as agreed via e-mail, using the official student’s address:
Professor’s e-mail address:
