Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 

To access the final exam, the student is required to have acquired the ECTS credits in compliance with the didactic regulations of the course.

The thesis is submitted to the degree examination board, which is appointed in compliance with the rules established by the University's didactic regulations. The Board is usually made up of no less than five members selected mainly among the professors and researchers teaching courses in the Department.
The thesis is defended orally, generally with the support of an audiovisual presentation. If necessary, the student can also make a demonstration of the programs developed. Usually the oral presentation lasts about fifteen minutes and is followed by a short session during which the candidate answers any questions posed by the board.

For the assessment of the final dissertation a 110-point scale is used.
The degree grade is determined by the sum of the following items:
1) weighted average based on the credits of the marks obtained in each exam, transformed in a mark out of 110, in compliance with the University Regulations for Students;
2) extra 0 to 7 points, assigned on the basis of the following criteria:
- Achievement of initial objectives
- Innovativeness of the proposed solutions
- Relevance of the results obtained
- Autonomy and enterprise demonstrated by the candidate during the thesis work
- Adequacy of the methods used
- Correctness, clarity and conciseness of the display
- Any publications or awards obtained. Translated with (free version)
3) extra 0 to 3 points for those students who have participated in a student exchange under the ERASMUS programme, established on the basis of two parameters indicating the student's performance during the exchange period abroad:
- number N of ECTS credits validated in the student's career following the successful outcome of exams in the Learning Agreement (including any subsequent changes) and carried out at the host foreign university;
- average value M of the grades converted into marks out of 30, validated in the student's career following the succesful outcome of exams in the Learning Agreement (including any subsequent changes) and carried out at the host foreign University.
Additional points are calculated according to the following rules:
1 point if N is between 20 and 29 ECTS credit, including extremes;
2 points if N is equal to or greater than 30 ECTS credit and M is less than 25/30;
3 points if N is equal to or greater than 30 ECTS credit and M is greater than 25/30.

If the score after the increase is greater than 110, the Board can unanimously award a Cum Laude distinction.

Voto Finale

During the final exam, the student is required to:
- critically discuss design and implementation choices
- develop autonomous and independent reasoning and reflections
- evaluate the different alternative methodological approaches for designing and analysing systems, understanding their relevance.
In addition, the student is required to:
-be able to communicate in written and oral form with the appropriate use of the technical vocabulary of Computer Science.
- present and critically evaluate technical and methodological ideas and topics in writing in a clear, consistent and concise manner.
- to elaborate in a complete and coherent way an original research dissertation on a complex topic, also through the use of appropriate technological tools.
The final test aims to verify the overall knowledge acquired by students, their level of independence of judgment and their ability to apply the communication skills acquired through the teachings of the degree course.

The final dissertation consists of the presentation and discussion of a master's thesis in English, which must be an original work written by the student under the supervision of a teacher (supervisor). The thesis must involve an organic and complete work aimed at showing research, processing and synthesis skills.
The thesis may concern work carried out internally at the university on a subject indicated by the teacher who assumes the role of supervisor, or work carried out in a company or external body on a subject approved by the supervising teacher.
The thesis is delivered by the student in the modalities provided by the University which can be consulted at Translated with (free version).
