- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
There are no particular propaedeuticity requirements.
The final test of verification consists of an interview and takes place through 5 questions whose answer is rated between 0 and 6 points. A total of 18 points are required to pass the exam.
The questions assess the students' knowledge and preparation on the manual and on reading, both from a mnemonic point of view, and from a critical and logical one, ascertaining the candidates' ability to link the theory learned with current events, and to correlate quantitative and qualitative aspects by grasping the concatenation of causes and effects in territorial analysis.
The course has three main educational objectives:
- to illustrate the essential concepts of the geographical disciplines, the models of representation and the interpretative tools indispensable to represent and decode the complex interactions between the natural environment and the different anthropic contexts in their socio-cultural, political and economic dimen-sions;
- to contextualize research methodologies and themes in the field of contemporary (socio-cultural, political and economic) and on the territory with a transcalar and critical approach.
- to deepen the geography of power in a local global perspective, with particular attention to the relation-ship between legality and illegality, to the theme of violence, including mafia violence, and its representa-tions.
The expected learning outcomes include:
- Improvement of individual geographical perceptions and sensitivities.
- Knowledge and critical contextualization of the main territorial dynamics (political, economic and socio-cultural) on a global and local scale.
- Knowledge and critical contextualization of the main statistical data (political, economic and socio-cultural) on a global and local scale.
- Ability to detect and analyze the processes of territorialisation at different geographical scales
- Ability to critically interpret widespread geographical representations and narratives.
- Ability to critically capture and contextualize data and dynamics of criminal phenomena.
Nella parte generale (40 ore) il corso affronta i seguenti argomenti:
- geo-grafia come rappresentazione e narrazione;
- territorio e territorializzazione;
- scala e la transcalarità;
- popolazioni e culture;
- processi di diffusione e migrazione;
- sistemi politici;
- sistemi economici;
- sistemi urbani e regionali;
- sistemi di comunicazione;
Nella parte monografica (16 ore) il corso affronta i seguenti argomenti:
- geografia del potere;
- criminalità e globalizzazione (sistemi mafiosi e sistemi corruttivi)
- rappresentazioni della violenza e della criminalità;
- mafie in Lombardia.
The teacher receives the students before and after the lessons and by appointment by e-mail.
The passing of the exam involves the study of two books, a manual and a monograph, chosen from those listed below (and possibly from those recently published that will be indicated during the course.
- Greiner A., Dematteis G., Lanza C., 2016, Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Utet, Torino.
- Squarcina E., 2016, (a cura di) Geografia umana, McGraw-Hill Education.
- Amato F., dell'Agnese E., 2014, Schermi americani. Geografia e geopolitica degli Stati Uniti nelle serie tele-visive, Unicopli, Milano.
- dell’Agnese E., 2009, Paesaggi ed eroi. Cinema, Nazione, Geopolitica, UTET, Torino.
- dalla Chiesa, N., 2016, Passaggio a nord. La colonizzazione mafiosa, Ed. Gruppo Abele, Torino.
- Sales I., 2015, Storia dell’Italia mafiosa, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.
The course takes place in frontal lessons. The activities of the course include the viewing of films and documentaries, the joint analysis of multimedia material (photos, images, audio, video, scientific and popular articles, maps) and consultation of websites. The course includes two field trips (organized and guided, each of 8 hours) that provide a formal return in the form of elaborate personal or group. The contents of the course are linked to laboratory activities (field trips, guided tours and psychogeographic explorations) and to supplementary activities (seminars and initiatives).
The teacher receives the students by appointment by e-mail.