Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Physiotherapy
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)

Knowledge of anatomy of the spine, physiology and general pathology.

The final exam will be articulated as an oral and/or practical exam including the evaluation by a commission of teachers of the integrated course. The final grade will take into account the knowledge acquired, the ability to link together this knowledge, the expressive skills and the specific attitude of the student.

Voto Finale

During the course the student will acquire knowledge and skills in the area of spine Kinesiology. In particular he will acquire knowledge that will allow him to understand the basics of movement and biomechanics of the spine in whole and segmentary, in addition to the specific activities of maintaining or changing posture, in orthostasis, during mobilization of the limbs and walking. In addition, the activity of the musculoskeletal component will be analyzed during respiratory mechanics. The student will also be asked to acquire, in relation to the topics covered, appropriateness of language, learning and communication skills as necessary tools for understanding and transmitting the competences object of the course. These skills will allow the student to discern and therefore to apply the kinesiology principles of the spine practically independently.

The course will focus on the main structures and related activities involved in the movement of the spine, with an introduction to movement alterations and involvement in the genesis of possible pathologies. The criterion adopted will be that of relevance in relation to topics of physiotherapeutic interest, focusing in particular on the most frequently encountered and practical relevance topics.

Anatomy of the spine
Muscles and joints activities and functions
Physiological movement of the spine, general and segmental.
Biomechanics of the spine
Maintenance and variation of postures
Respiratory mechanics.

Complimentary slides/notes will be distributed during lessons

The course will be structured with lectures followed by a moment, at the end of each lesson, for discussion, questions and insights on the topics covered.

Professors will receive students weekly, by appointment through the University email.