- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
None. Eventual additional didactic courses (OFA) will be comunicated to the students after the admission test for the Biology field, as indicated in the SUA document of the degree course.
Multiple choice test with 15 questions quistions of Genetics. Each answer is evaluated independently and the final grade is composed by all the single evaluations.
GENETICS – Dr. Roberto Valli
The objective of the course of Medical Genetics will be to provide to the students the basis of the knowledge of the genic and chromosomal mechanisms that could explain human pathologies
BIOLOGY: The macromolecules of life. Eukariotic and prokariotic cells. Aploid and diploid organisms. Cellular replication: mitosis and meiosis. Examples of cellular cycles. DNA: From the discover to the structure. RNA: THe transcription. The ribosomes and the translation mechanism. Chromatin and chromosome structure. Introduction to the mutations.
Mendel's Laws. Exceptions to Mendel's laws. The human karyotype. Study of the human pedigrees.
See "Contenuti"
Chimica, Biochimica e biologia applicata, 2a edizione, 2008, ZANICHELLI.
Le basi biologiche dell'Ereditarietà
Ed. La Goliardica Pavese
Frontal Lessons
Didactic material provided on elearning web page during the lessons