Need to have taken the exam of Biochemistry.
Need to have taken the exam of Chemistry
Provide an overview of the basic principles of metabolism and metabolic effects of the main hormones.
Moreover, provide the knowledge of analytical techniques for use in clinical biochemistry. At the end of the course the student should be able to solve problems involving preparation of solutions and an incorrect result obtained by a technique.
Mechanism of action of hormones. Metabolism and metabolic effects of insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids.
Basic principles for the analytical techniques. Chromatography, electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.
Nelson, Cox.
Lehninger principles of Biochemistry.
5th ed., 2008, Freeman and Co.
Berg, Tymoczko, Stryer.
7th ed., 2012, Freeman and Co.
Principles and techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Keith Wilson and John Walker, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Oral exam, with questions related to all the topics covered during the course, to define knowledge and understanding ( 25%), ability to apply knowledge and understanding ( 25%), judgement (10%) , communication skills (20%) and learning ability (20 %).