Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours)

knowledge of the fundamental notions of mathematics (with particular attention to logarithms and functions). Generic knowledge of the structure of the atom, chemical bonds, stoichiometry and states of matter. Students who have had a score lower than 6.6 in the chemistry questions of the admission test and for whom therefore additional training requirements have been identified (OFA), will have to recover the preliminary chemistry knowledge described above. In order to have this minimum knowledge, the teacher will organize lessons, articles and suggest book chapters in a special shared space and she also will be willing to discuss and explain specific issues after direct contact by email. The OFA are considered satisfied once the students have passed, with a favorable outcome, an ongoing test (for admission to the exam sessions) and definitively after the final examination of the subject in question.

Final Examination: 

To verify the learning of the knowledge and skills imparted in class, an oral exam will take place. The questions will be at least two and will have a general character, in order to give the students, the possibility to expand and manage the answer in the most congenial organization.
The general questions will focus on the knowledge of: A) topics of general and organic chemistry such as chemical bonds, gas theory, thermodynamics, liquids and solids, solutions and their properties, reaction speed and main reactions, chemical equilibria, acids and bases, pH, buffer solutions, electrochemistry and reactivity and properties of the various organic substituents and contextualize them in the context of biological macromolecules.
B) structures of biological / biochemical interest such as glucose, ribose, glycogen, (alpha and beta glycosidic bonds), alpha-amino acids constituting proteins (peptide bond), saturated fatty acids at 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 carbon atoms , unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, linolenic), triglyceride and phosphatidic acid (basic structure of glycerophospholipid), cholesterol, adenosine triphosphate, carbon skeleton of DNA and RNA, comprehensively of the characteristics of such macromolecules and their reactivity. The evaluation will take into account the accuracy of the information; the degree of deepening of the topic demonstrated by the student; the ability to focus on the answer; on the ability to relate the topic to biological examples as well as lexical and chemical / scientific vocabulary skills

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide the basis for understanding the principles underlying the chemical and physical-chemical processes of the human organism and the synthetic materials that mimic or are in contact with human tissues.
Provide a unique and scientific basic vocabulary and chemical lexicon in order to deal with subsequent teachings.
In this context the student at the end of the course should know: the general characteristics of the elements; radioactivity; the gas laws; the properties of the solutions; chemical balances; pH and acid-base equilibria; free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; the main functional groups of organic compounds and their reactions; the structure and function of the main biological macromolecules.
The student will also know how to apply the laws of gases, the properties of solutions and the acid-base equilibria to the proposed examples both of biological nature (linked to the processes that regulate the human organism such as respiration, maintenance of osmotic equilibrium, blood buffer systems, e.g. degree of solubility of salts) and related to chemical materials.

General chemistry
Atomic model, periodic table of elements and electronic structure, chemical bonds, gas theory, thermodynamics, liquids and solids, solutions and their properties, reaction rates and major reactions, chemical equilibria, acids and bases, pH, buffer solutions, electrochemistry.

Organic chemistry
Hydrocarbons, aromatics, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carbonyl groups, fatty acids, heterocycles, amines and amides.

Biological chemistry
Sugars, amino acids, lipids, nucleotides.

Chimica e propedeutica biochimica – Bettelheim et al. – EdiSES
Chimica generale chimica organica propedeutica biochimica – Denniston et al. – McGraw-Hill
Chimica medica e propedeutica biochimica – Tiziana Bellini – Zanichelli

For students for whom additional training obligations have been identified (OFA), the teacher will prepare a course made up of lessons (slides, articles and suggestions of chapters of texts) so that the students can recover the preliminary knowledge of chemistry indicated in the prerequisites and she will be available by appointment for further information and clarifications.
The teaching of chemistry will be taught with lectures (36 hours, 18 lectures) which involve the presentation of slides (tendentially in Italian but, in cases of recently published material, also in English). During the explanation in the classroom the students will be invited to interact with the teacher and solve small problems trying to answer specific questions. During the lessons, the teacher will also present cases and daily facts that can help understand the application / importance of the subject in oral chemistry.
Students are required to attend classes as established in the academic regulations of the course, therefore they will have to sign the attendance sheet which will be delivered to the teacher at the end of the lesson.
The teacher is committed to making the presentations projected to lectures and other material of interest (articles) available through the University's IT platforms (eg e-learning) to which the students have access.

In the presentations of the teacher there may be links to web pages for further information. For student reception, make an appointment by email with the teacher.
