Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Optional subjects
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

Knowledge of basic items in banking management, structure and regulation, given in the course of Banking Management (6 CFU); knowledge of basic accounting rules (IFRS, IAS) and of the structure of a bank’s balance sheet (Contabilità e Bilancio).

Final Examination: 

There is a final exam, in the form of oral examination at the end of the course. The oral examination is based on 1-2 questions on the programme and a discussion of the results of the work in the classroom. For students not actively attending the course, the examination is based on 5-6 questions aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge and critical approach to course topics.
When topics are fully comprised and exposed, with a critical approach and a multidisciplinary view, the lecturer can give a laude.

Voto Finale

The course gives basic elements about comprehension and analysis of profitability and value creation in financial intermediaries, in particular banks, based on balance sheet and other relevant documents (Non Financial Statement and Pillar III). Starting from a brief analysis of regulation on financial and non financial statements, the course aims at giving methodological tools needed for evaluating profitability and value creation, also referring to financial statements of a sample of banks.
A student will get a comprehension of basic items in profitability analysis and evaluation.
Expected learning result (abilities) can be described as follows:
- understand how strategic action impacts on profitability referring to main balance sheet ratios
- understand most relevant evaluation issues of assets and liabilities and consequences on profitability and value creation
- understand differences in investors and different stakeholders attitudes in performance evalution

1. Profitability and Value Creation in Banks.
a. Strategies and measures.
b. The market view.
c. Main accounting rules.

2. Analysis of Financial Statements of a sample of banks
3. Non Financial Statement Document (DNF). Main elements and analysis of a sample of banks
4. Pillar III Information. Main elements and analysis of a sample of banks

see above

Students actively attending the course will study on some papers and documents as a support. The most relevant work will be on financial and non financial statements of the banks in the sample analyzed.
Students not attending the course will prepare the exam on the following text:
Tutino F. (2019), Il nuovo bilancio delle banche, Bancaria Editrice, Roma
Consultation of the course e-elearning page is recommend.


The course is delivered by lectures given by prof. Locatelli and by interactive work with students. Depending from the number of students, some working groups could be organized.

The lecturer meet students weekly except holidays and in august. Students can also send an e-mail and ask for a specific and different date.
Please see teachers' receiving schedules on the specific web page.