Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Optional subjects
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

Profitability analysis of intermediaries is referred to individual and consolidated balance sheet pursuant to IAS-IFRS accounting principles, so that it’s useful a good knowledge of balance sheet and its items also pursuant to IAS-IFRS.

Final Examination: 

Examinations are oral and focused on matters shown in classroom – civil rules, supervision rules, measurement methods, management analysis.
Since there will be no intermediate tests, only the result of oral examination will be relevant.
The grade will be expressed in thirtieth, with minimum requested of 18/30. 30 with honors will be given in case of personal and specific analysis and development of subjects discussed.

Voto Finale

The course aim is to understand and evaluate to analyze Italian banking sector trend, which is of capital relevance for economic development, especially in year characterized by relevant issues in suchdais sector – see banking crisis, non performing loans, prudential supervision rules -.
In the end of the course scholars will have to show their ability in understanding financial market information of intermediaries, through a critical analysis of balance sheet results and its items.

This course, starting from analysis of civil code rules on financial statement for financial intermediaries – tipically banks – focuses on management data relevant for income capacities of said entities.
Main references are made to prudential supervision rules which, as well-known, completes civil and management aspects.
Most effective methodologies for income and capital adequacy / asset ratios analysis are shown.
On this behalf, financial statement of some Italian banks are analyzed, in order to understand income and management strategies during last years, characterized by an unusual economic environment.

Lesson 1:

1) Civil code rules on intermediaries balance sheet
2) Banking surveillance rules (capital adequacy)

Lesson 2:
3) Analysis of most relevant accounting principles for intermediaries
4) Credit evalutation

Lesson 3:
5) Non performing loans management
6) Tax aspects of intermediaries (in short)

Lesson 4:
7) Intermediaries’ strategy in current economic environment
8) Intermediaries structural and economic index

Lesson 5:
9) Analysis and discussion on balance sheet of some sample banks
10) Intermediaries balance sheet and business management evolution

• Bank of Italy, Circular 262/2005 and following updates
• Bank of Italy, Circular 263/2005 and following updates
• Bank of Italy, Pubblicazioni di vigilanza
• Financial statements of most important Italian banks
• economic press releases specialized in banking matters (e.g. regulatory capital, banking crisis, etc.).

Due to interactions of various matters, classroom attending is highly recommended, where relevant slides will be made available on College’s e-learning website and will be deeply analyzed in classroom teaching.


The course will be held through frontal teaching developing the described program. Scholars will be stimulated to propose solutions about issues intermediaries must currently manage on the basis of knowledge acquired and relating to current economic market environment as described by mass media.

In case of educational material requests, on top of material shown in classroom, please send an e-mail.

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click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.